cece the bunny is far far away profile picture

cece the bunny is far far away

I see you lurkin my sh*t... and I LIIIIIKE it. ♥

About Me

About me? Let me put myself in a little box for people on Myspace to read and judge me by:
Ok, so I'm totally dorky- and I don't say that because it's cool to be nerdy or something. My blood runs geek. I would rather play Warcraft for 8 hours than go out most of the time. DEVO is my favorite band, and I'm not talking about Whip It. I'm pretty good at doing html too. I like Disney movies and sometimes I watch Hannah Montana. There, I said it.
I like to sing loudly in the shower. Usually Pearl Jam or Cher... It's weird how singing terrible songs is usually the most fun! The other time I love to sing is in the car with Ben when we sing Morrissey, OR when I play Rockband. I usually get like a 95% or higher. I'm legit dude. Oh wait! I almost forgot my FaVoRiTe time to sing is in the car with Sascha!! We sing beautiful duets and sometimes we sing them with our fingers in our noses to test how much our nostrils flare!!! Caroline and I like to write songs together and sing them to Sasch’s FACE! So I guess you could say I sing a lot.
One of my secret (not secret anymore) dirty pleasures is YouTube. More specifically, searching YouTube for "zit" and "cyst" videos. Nasty? Sure. Amazing? You betcha! Don't act like you don't enjoy a good puss fest. HAHA.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, I like to cuddle. Luckily, I married a cuddle bug and when we sleep, we look like little pretzels that snuck over to each other on a greasy cookie sheet and got baked together. He is my soul mate and he's soooooo cute, he makes me want to SPLODE! boom!
And speaking of greasy cookie sheets; a) I love baking cookies and cupcakes, and b) I hate washing my hair, so therefore, I love baby powder. ;) haha.
I think I'm a good friend. At least I try to be. I love my friends and would do ANYTHING for them. The older you get the more you realize who is a good friend and who is a turd.
I am a shoe designer. I love shoes a lot. Orange County is a tough place to live when you love shoes a lot, cause you usually see hideous shoes all damn day. I wonder why I bother spending money on ridiculously hot shoes when they are surrounded by poo poo ugliness. :(
I hate when people have bad grammar. It's one of my biggest pet peeves. PLEASE people, learn the difference between "they're" "their" and "there". And when asking someone where they live... all it takes is "where do you live?" instead of the popular, "where do you live AT?" It's effing pathetic! GOD!!!!!!
I'm a little snobby, but that's not my fault. Blame my parents and the TV shows I watch. I like almost everyone. You know who I don't like? Cheap-os. I hate cheap people. I don't mean that I hate people without money, I just hate when people are cheap. If you don't know the difference, you're probably who I'm talking about. I also hate rude people. Especially people who are rude to servers at restaurants, or anyone who works behind a counter.
I love Myspace. I love sitting at my desk at work lurking. Lurk lurk lurk. I hate private profiles, which is why mine isn't. You lurk too Larry Lurker! Just admit that that's why were all here and take your profile off PRIVATE!!! That means you Sascha! haha, jk.
I love my husband. Most of all. He is the most amazing human bean (yes BEAN) that has ever graced our planet. I imagine that he was a little baby angel, and he was up in heaven all curled up in his little baby bundle on a cloud of fluffyness. All he would do is play on the clouds and sleep all day and coo and suck on his little baby thumb. Then one day, he yawned a little too big and he fell backwards, towards earth, and he landed in the Soto house and they wanted a baby so bad, and he was SOOO cute that they kept him. And that's how he got to be so sweet and kind and talented. It's cause he's a little angel! So don't feel so bad that you'll never measure up to him. He has an unfair advantage. ;)
And now that I've written that bizarre paragraph, it all circles back to the beginning, like a well written essay. I'm a total dork. And so is my angel baby.
Thank you for reading. Enjoy your day! And here's a little slideshow for your viewing pleasure.
MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

I'm just a Pirate... who's MADLY in love with her Ninja.

I love good music and good people. HOT SHOES are my accessories of choice. My baby looks pretty good on my arm too. hehe

I love
the following very much, most of which my life might suck with out:

My Hubert ♥, My sisters- Katie and Alexa, Poke Salad from Full Moon, My Rad Job, My Guild and all my amazing friends in it, Officer Chat, Hello Kitty, Chipotle (or Chipoodle if you're cool), Pink Berry, TiVO, My iPod, My RAAAAAD Shoes, Taco Tuesday and Wing Wednesday, Lazy P.J. Days, My L.A. Face with my Oakland Booty, Hot Chocolate at Harbor House, My ADD, Weekends with Ben, My endless collection of M-A-C Eye Shadow that I hardly seem to use any more, The girls that work at Hot Dog on a Stick (pump that lemon aid), Blow Pops, Soft T shirts, Secret Surprises, Our Dream Home, My DEVO CDs, Playin Footsies with Ben, Pink Roses, Everything Bagels toasted w/cream cheese, Pedicures, Shiney Lips, Gawdy Jewelery, Talking in my sleep, Myspace Lurking, Big Scary Roller Coasters, Crazy Glamour Shots, Red Gum Balls, Cuddling, The Smell of Clean Laundry, Walkin around in my Underoos, Dancing like a maniac, Shopping, My Bunny, My DVDs, The color pink, Armpit Sniffs, and of course... my BFFFFFF.

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet Dr. Laura. And tell her that she is an effing GENIUS!!! I loooooove her!

NO BOYS PLEASE. He's it for me... I'm done. He is my happily ever after.

I like people with a sprinkle of sass. Sarcastic, quick witted folks.
I hate George Bush
I like meeting weirdos. But remember- there's a difference between weirdos and psychos.
People that make me smiiiiiiiile!


I COULD list 1,000,000 bands but what's the point...


..I like mushy romantic movies the best. Cause I'm mushy and romantic. And I love comedies. But good ones. I LOVE 80s movies most. Most new movies suck.
I hate scary movies. I'm like the world's biggest WUSS! Such a baby...pshhh.


Grey's Anatomy, America's Next Top Model, MXC, Pee Wee's Playhouse, AB-FAB... The weirdest random shows are my favorite! And cartoons of course. :D


My favorite book is The Color Purple. You should read it.


If you don't know, you should...

Ben... of course

The AMAZING Miss Fafi ♥

And my new favorite... Uh uh uhhhhhMAZING

My Blog

Best Birthday Present EVER!!!

Look at our PERFECT new puppy!!!and today he gets to come with me to a meeting at Gwen's house! he's gonna be BFF with Kingston, I can tell. hahahagood birthday so far.COME OUT TONIGHT!!!...
Posted by cece the bunny is far far away on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 07:20:00 PST

You ALL better come to my birthday party!!!!

It's going to be AMAZING!
Posted by cece the bunny is far far away on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 09:08:00 PST

My Graffiti

Best thing to happen to Myspace ...
Posted by cece the bunny is far far away on Fri, 23 May 2008 05:14:00 PST

My Blogger Shoe Blog!!!

For anyone who doesn't already know... even though I've told you 10000000x, I have a shoe blog and I'd love it if you'd check it out and tell your friends about it. :)Yippee! I think you'll like it. ...
Posted by cece the bunny is far far away on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 08:48:00 PST

Yes, Im bragging... GET OVER IT.

I started cataloging my shoes yesterday. I’ve started a shoe blog...since I’m so obsessed. Check it out!!! My Shoe BlogAnd so what if I’m bragging a little. I’m not a big bragg...
Posted by cece the bunny is far far away on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 04:41:00 PST


How do I put out a want ad for a gay best friend? Cause I need one. Like, if there were a doll of ME, she would come with a rad outfit, killer heels, and a gay bff as her accessory.Come ON people. I&r...
Posted by cece the bunny is far far away on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 10:09:00 PST

Wedding Video Blog...

The company that did our AMAZING wedding video is having a contest and they need YOUR help!!! Its super easy- just go to our video and write a comment, ANY comment!!Yippee!!! :)You'll find it at ELYSI...
Posted by cece the bunny is far far away on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 10:22:00 PST

You guys HAVE to see this...

Posted by cece the bunny is far far away on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 11:25:00 PST

Long Time Since I’ve Done a SURVEY!!!

Are you in a relationship?a married one...What's your profile song and why?Superstar, covered by Sonic Youth. BECAUSE, Meesh stole my song and plus, its effing beautiful.Do you have a job?Eff yes I do...
Posted by cece the bunny is far far away on Mon, 21 Jan 2008 10:52:00 PST

Our AMAZING wedding video highlights!

Hey everyone! Our wedding video is up on our videographer's blog. Its SO awesome!!! Go to http://www.elysiumblog.com and check us out!!!!You can leave comments on the video too! :)xoxox...
Posted by cece the bunny is far far away on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 02:35:00 PST