Nicholas profile picture


In me nothing....In God everything

About Me

Hey Everyone! =) Well hmmm about me....To begin with, if im online Im probably sitting here at my desk doing homework and hating it LoL So message me Im always up for meeting a new friend! =) Im a friendly Christian and I go to Grace Baptist Church. God is the center of my life and I try hard to keep it that way as much as possible although we all stray from time to time! Im not going to pretend to be perfect at all nor do I expect it in anyone else. I live my life under God's number one law loving everyone else as yourself. "Its human to make a mistake, but its Christian to determine what you will do with the knowledge gained from the experience of that mistake" Nicholas Bedore. I was reading a friend's page and felt compelled to say this: Although, based on my page, you can gather I have strong Christian beliefs, I never would force my thoughts on anyone else....Im more than happy to share my beliefs and would love to hear yours regardless if they different from my own. Im a friend thats always willing to keep you in my prayers. Im dating the most AmAzInG girl ever. She makes me extremely happy and to this day im left she for real? How can I be so lucky?! Seriously though she is the type of girl that makes me want to be a better person and a stronger Christian. Ill stop now because when she realizes Ive put that much in here she is gonna punch me and demand this be removed haha such the humble cutie. But yes my girlfriend is simply amazing! I have my Associates Degree in General Arts and Sciences and need one more class in order to have another associates degree in Mathematics. And now my last and final education major is in accounting and I will have my 2 year degree in accounting in another semester. Basically Im an all around good guy, im very friendly and easy to get along with. Im pretty conservative and am an old-fashoined gentleman when it comes to manners and respect, especially when it comes to the ladies =) Im not into drugs at all, never have never will. I have drank to get drunk in the past but now I leave it to just one drink on very very rare occasions if at all, just dont see a point. People say I never stop smiling and all I have to say is that im a happy person and everything happens for a reason so dont sweat the small stuff and just enjoy life because you and I are not the ones in control...its in God's hands and I would prefer it no other way! I love animals! My family has always had a zoo of pets! Ummmm Well I own 20 acres of land in southern Oregon, place called Klamath Falls. I recently just got another 2 and 3/4 acres right near my other land, its an awesome piece of land to build a home on. Im not sure what Im going to do with it yet, may move up there years from now, or I may sub divide it and sell it off so I can turn around and buy a house here in California. I could write tons and tons here but for now im done! =) Oh yea if you would rather chat with me I have AIM and MSN so send me a message and maybe I can add ya to my list and we can talk on there =)

My Interests

hmmmm my interests, first and foremost its God!!!! I love off roading and any other automotive type stuff! I have lots of other hobbies and interests half of which I could be labeled as a total nerd for!..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE

** basics **
Name:: Nicholas
Nickname:: Nick, Nicky, Nickie, Nickle, Nicholas Cage, Nico, Nicky-Sticky-Plicky-Wicky-Ticky (thanks mom haha) plus random others
Location:: Saugus
Gender:: male
Birthplace:: Long Beach, CA
Birthstone:: ummm dunno LoL
Birthday:: 2/17/84
Sign:: Aquarius
Righty or Lefty:: right
Screenname:: ask and you may recieve ;)
** your looks **
Height:: about 5'10"
Weight:: about 155
Shoe size:: varies between shoe tyoes/brands 10-12
Hair Color:: naturally brown, right now its brown with blonde frosted in
Hair Length:: short, inch or so
Eye Color:: brown
Size:: size? of what?
Glasses:: yep yep
Braces:: had them in 8th and 9th grade
Piercings:: nope nope
Tattoos:: nope
** fashion **
Where do you shop:: lots of places!
What do you usually wear:: clothing lol...usually lighter colors I try to look nice most the time!
What kind of shoes do you wear:: lol my bro says Im a girl when it comes to shoes I have lots usually a paiir of tennis shoes though
Do you wear a watch:: nope, used to carry pocketwatch but my cell phone takes care of the clock needs
Color you never wear:: i wear all colors pretty much!
Color you wear at least once a week:: Well blue jeans, and also my black work pants or white work shirt
Something you wear everyday:: my silver cross necklace
Do you wear make up everyday:: ummm ho wabout no days =)
Make up essential:: no?
Most cherished piece of clothing:: I dont think I chersih any of my clothes haha
You wouldn't be caught dead wearing:: a stained up holey white t-shirt
Do you wear belts:: yea
Do you wear hats:: not really, occasionally wear a straw cowboy hat type thing though
How many pairs of shoes do you have:: ummm i dunno about 10 pairs?
** music **
Favorite kind of music:: Rock and Country
Least Favorite:: Rap
How many CD's do you have:: tons!
Last CD you bought:: Ummm I purchased an auction of like 15 Christian rock CDs off ebay, and before that I got a Gretchen Wilson cd
Whats in your CD player right now:: A country mix
Do you download music:: nope, I listen to launchcast on my computer and CD's in my car or in my room
** Favorites **
Color:: light blue
Number:: 22
Season:: winter for cuddling and playing in the mud with my truck, summer for beach and swimming
Ice cream:: Daqueri Ice and Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Website:: probably myspace =)
Quote:: "Marriage is falling in love with one another everyday for the rest of your lives"
Store:: Like lots for different reasons!
Band:: too many! Tim McGraw, Nickleback, Pillar list goes on and on
Singer:: look above /..
Rapper:: MC Hammer haha
Group:: ?
Song:: "Just Another Day in Paradise" by Phil Vassar and many more!
Movie:: tons!!! some are the original Star Wars trilogy, zoolander, saving private ryan, ect.
Actor:: Harrison Ford, Nicholas Cage, Ben Stiller
Actress:: Sandra Bullock, Milla Jovovich
Kind of movies:: Action, Comedy, even love the Romance haha
Place to be:: Home!
Time of day:: Depends
Clothing Brand:: brands dont matter to me!
Animal:: yea im a nerd! Naw I love all animals, especially dogs!
Food:: ice cream and shrimp
Holiday:: Christmas
Shape:: LoL Never even thought about that one!
Restaraunt:: IHOP! haha
Fast food place:: Wendy's
Boy's name:: dunno
Girl's name:: dunno
Word:: no favorite word, lol
Month:: December maybe cause its Christmas and its winter, or July cause its summer and 4th of July! =)
Candy:: Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
** love and relationships **
Sexual Preference:: I love the girlies! =)
Boyfriend or Girlfriend:: not presently
Crush:: not presently
Do you believe in love at first sight:: Nope, just attraction or lust at first, love takes time to grow!
What do you look for in a guy/girl:: Wow, there is a list im not going to write out! Refer to my blog haha
Best physical feature:: Well im a sucker for a nice smile and a pretty face
Best hair color:: dont care
Best eye color:: dont care
** randoms **
Do you paint your nails:: haha no
What color is your tooth brush:: its clear and blue
What's on your desktop:: a canyon scene....very nice looking
Do you like roller coasters:: Love them!
Do you do drugs:: nope....well medicine when I need it
Are you a virgin:: no...unfortunatly!
Do you have any pets:: yep yep
What time do you go to sleep:: when im tired! hehe

I'd like to meet:

I'd Love to meet God/Jesus! And I will someday! We all will eventually...will you be ready for that? Other than that I would like to meet a few other followers of God mentioned in the Bible its like they are the greatest superheros of all time! I would definatly love to meet the woman I will marry! I can hardly wait to be married and devote my life to my hunny. Im also up for meeting some friendly people on here too! So hit me up and we will each have a new friend! haha =) Id like to meet other people for various other reasons generally people who have made a positive impact in the world we live in like Martin Luther King, Mother Theresa, Darwin (yea the evolutionist guy....despite what many say he became a man of Chrisitan faith in the end......heck yea! hehe), Ghandi, and there are definatly tons more cause many people have done amazing things for humanity. I dont however feel it nescessary to meet a movie star, singer, or sports star! I think these people are too obssessed over and are over payed LOL =) My theory on that is when people obssess over a star its just an attempt to fill the hole in their heart where God should be. We as humans naturally long for something huge, some great love, this love can only be fullfilled with God! If people got nothing else from my page I hope it would be this! I also would like to meet jonathan Edwards (not the crazy guy that thinks he can talk to the dead on tv) this guy lived 1703-1758. He was in the new America just after the time of the Puritans and he was a preacher....I dont agree with all his life and I think he got a bad name for himself in the end but his Personal Narrative is a great symbol of the struggles and joys of the Christian faith I particualarly loved his almost poetic description of God and the believers when he says..... "The soul of a true Christian, as I then wrote my meditations, appeared like such a little white flower, as we see in the spring of the year; low and humble on the ground, opening its bosom, to receive the pleasant beams of the sun's glory; rejoicing as it were, in a calm rapture; diffusing around a sweet fragrancy; standing peacefully and lovingly, in the midst of other flowers round about; all in like manner opening their bosoms, to drink in the light of the sun" So cooL! Amen! This is a video at LACR, drag racing is awesome. Its my friend John in the blue Camaro and a new buddy Eric in the maroon Duster! Fun Stuff! Too lazy to edit out ending haha my bad!.. width="425" height="350" ..The gamers get all the hot chicks...LOL AWESOME!!!!!


Currently crazy over Within Temptation! Never have liked a music group sooo much! Music is awesome I love music and all kinds of it! I do hate rap! Id have to say rap, for the most part, is completely trashy and all together negative. Hehe I do like MC Hammer though he is just funny! I try not to buy any CDs that have excessive profanities and if they do it had better be very limited. Just my way of showing music groups im not gonna support there product if they are going to do that! Anyway I love Rock and Country and my other tatses branch off from there. Ill list some bands I like off the top of my head but there are tons! Tim Mcgraw, Chad Brock, Phil Vassar, Alan Jackson, Toby Keith (although his new stuff is getting trashier and trashier), 12 Stones, Nickelback, Lifehouse, Evanessance, Pillar (awesome christian rock that gets you fired up!), Trapt, Emerson Drive, Default, Beach Boys, Finger 11, Saliva, Taproot, Thousand foot Krutch, Jonah 33, Mercy Me, Jeremy Camp, Kutless and a bunch more! Seriously this is so cant watch this without smiling or laughing! This guy is so pimp haha


Wow I love movies!! Its one of my favorite pass times. Especially when I get to cuddle up nice and close to my girl and relax! I especially love the drive in theatre but thats more of a place to take a special girl so you can bring blankets and a cooler of snacks and just have a relaxing night together (no not get into trouble! ;) !! Anyway my fave movies of all time are the original Star Wars trilogy movies. I love and watch comedies over and over again! Movies like Night at the Roxbury, Meet the Parents, Zoolander, Napoleon Dynamite, Kung Pow, Happy gilmore and soooo many others are just classic! I also like the typical action guy movies such as Saving Private Ryan, Pearl Harbor, Indiana Jones trilogy, New star wars trilogy, Lord of the Rings trilogy, Troy, Kingdom of Heaven, King Kong, Armageddon, The Island, Resident Evil 1 and 2 the list goes on and on..... I also love any movie that can twist your heart and get you very connected with certain characters or feelings......Chronicles of Narnia was awesome and it was unbelievable how much Christian points are made in that movie..... I also like so love story movies!! Such as the Notebook and A Walk To Remember. Both of these love movies are great examples of awesome love stories and all guys should be required to watch them and aspire to be like the men of both movies in the sense that they fully and completely loved their girl until the very very end and they considered themselves sooooo blessed to have been given the girl of their dreams and were able to enjoy so many wonderful moments with them! "love is falling in love with each other each and every day for the rest of your lives"


I dont watch much tv, I hate all the commercials! You seriously watch tv and half the time its just commercials! Plus whenever I become interested in a series or somethen I never can catch all the episodes lol so whats the point! I usually just watch tons of movies!


Im not much of a reader but my number one book is of course the BIBLE....its the manual for life! Ive never read through it all but Ive read alot of it and have gone over lots and lots of parts! Its very insightful and relaxing to read even though sometimes at first its a lil overwhelming! Other than the Bible, I read random Christian books that are sorta self help type books and I have learned quite a bit from them, I also have subscriptions to Four Wheeler, 4 Wheel and Offroad, and Car Craft. I also read school books occasionally and thats only cuz I have too!


Ok heroes I have many heros in my life for different reasons......first and foremost God/Jesus/Holy Spirit. =)The holy trinity! God saves all who accept that they are sinners and that Jesus was sent to Earth to die in our place for our sins! Now there is a hero! Saved my butt from the fires of hell which in all fairness I deserve to go for all my sins and if someone perfect and blameless came to save me and give me the opportunity to spend eternity in heaven with him that is way awesome! Other heros would be my parents.....they played a huge part in making me who I am.... They loved me and gave me all the care I needed growing up and continue to care and support me in all I dad gets especially honorable mention since Ive never known a harder worker....he has devoted his life to caring for his family to the point of working two full time jobs and sleeping a couple hours a night and only seeing us on weekends to do so for two whole years! I also think the military, police, EMTs, firefighters all deserve major props cause they protect us all. I also think a good pastor is a hero, I mean what a job, helping lead their congregation to be godly people must be very frusterating and hard at time but great in sooo many ways! "If someone were to watch you for 30 days, would they be convinced you were going to a better place....heaven?" Pastor Tom Givens

My Blog

Neat Story =)

Why go to Church?If you are spiritually alive, you're going to love this! if you are spiritually dead, you won't want to read it.  If you're spiritually curious, there is still hope!A church goer...
Posted by Nicholas on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 12:47:00 PST

Words are unecessary....

A friend of mine shared this with me and since I love all of ya'll I NEED to pass it on!Seriously...this video is amazing!!!!!! LIke wow.... will make your heart jump and can bring tears to your eyes ...
Posted by Nicholas on Sun, 29 Apr 2007 09:36:00 PST

Cuz Im all alone at home and bored!!!!!!

"The best way you can cheer yourself up is to cheer someone else up""How you think about a problem is more important than the problem itself. So alwa...
Posted by Nicholas on Sat, 28 Apr 2007 12:03:00 PST

Nerds make better Lovers! OoOOooOoo

Alright I found this and thought it was pretty funny in its truth.... although some of its excessively stereotypical but thats funny too LoLNerds Make Better LoversBy Cristina MillanoGlee ContributorU...
Posted by Nicholas on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 11:52:00 PST

Puppies! =)

My lil Kisses had her puppies Saturday nite/Sunday morning! Four big healthy pups! 3 girls and 1 boy.Here are a few pics!more to come =)Here are some more pictures of the babies with their eyes open.&...
Posted by Nicholas on Mon, 18 Sep 2006 03:09:00 PST

Survey you take about me! Turn the Tables on ya! ;)

DO IT!!! Current mood: curious FILL THIS OUT!!!!!1. Who are you?2. Are we friends?3. When and how did we meet?4. Do you have a crush on me?5. Would you kiss me?6. Give me a nickname and explain why ...
Posted by Nicholas on Sat, 27 May 2006 09:08:00 PST

Some Things I would Love in a Young Woman

Guys....Your Perfect Girl....       Appearance (in a Girl) So, does her appearance matter to you?: Well as long as I find her attractive to me!    What ...
Posted by Nicholas on Tue, 02 May 2006 01:35:00 PST

Coolest survey ever on myspace

Wow I could have written for days on this survey! But here is the quick 15 minute answers I gave.....I just thought this survey was sooo cool I would put my answers into a blog.....I still dont know w...
Posted by Nicholas on Mon, 13 Mar 2006 11:51:00 PST

Freaking Long Questionaire!

    Goliath Questionnaire Ok my sis made this freaking long survey! I was gonna post it as a bulliten but I think this is too much work to just have as a bulliten so im putting it down as a ...
Posted by Nicholas on Sun, 26 Feb 2006 05:00:00 PST