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I am here for Friends

About Me

More fun than a barrel of monkeys. Reformed flasher. Smarter than I act sometimes. Generally sleepy. Extremely fertile. ..This profile was edited with NewMyspace

My Interests

Collecting the next generation of pop surrealist artists; Austin (I miss it so much); Paper Moon Graphics; neon; Home decor porn (that is, not porn AS home decor but home decor AS porn .. I fantasize about my eventual sunny California house); crazy shoes; embroidery; keeping the baby from destroying himself, taking pictures in cool hotels; traveling; wearing, buying and maintaining fabulous getups; sleeping for long periods of time; collecting interesting people; really juicy books I can't put down (mostly biographies these days); extended periods of time in the bathtub; minature things; giant things; talking people's ears off; great movies; really shitty movies only I like; burlesque (but only in history and during personal practical application); little people; swashbucklers; fairy tales; old school hotel bars; Coney Island; circuses (but only in movies & literature); modern art or photography that makes you queasy; roccoco decorating schemes; Leigh Bowery; personal libraries; art, music and fashion in that period just before the French Revolution; courtesans of the ages; those touched by the hand of insanity; dissolute WASPS and much, much more.

I'd like to meet:

My maker, but not for a long, long time....


Bowie, Roxy, T. Rex, all glam, Duran Duran, Adam & the Ants, Echo and the Bunnymen, Tom Waits, Johnny Cash, Velvet Underground, Blondie, the Cars, Cousteau, Jeff Buckley, Crooked Fingers, Devlins, Donovan, Grace Jones, Franz Ferdinand, Imperial Teen, Kylie (it's true!), Longwave, Luna, Dandy Warhols, Old 97s, Led Zeppelin, Nick Cave, Stones, Superdrag, Suede, Stellastarr, the Shods, the Stills, the Killers, the Sounds, The The. The best music, however, is Kingsley's little laugh.


Wizard of Oz, Gone With the Wind, Betty Blue, the Hunger, La Dolce Vita, Blade Runner, Brazil, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Can't Stop the Music (has to be seen to be believed!), Xanadu, Cabaret, Company of Wolves, Santa Sangre, Grey Gardens, Aria, Pretty Baby, Sid & Nancy, The Philadelphia Story, What A Way to Go, The Lover, The Party, Some Like it Hot, La Belle et La Bete, Christiane F., Almost Famous, Barbarella, Kama Sutra, anything from the golden age of Hollywood or with really good costumes.


Just about anything on HBO (Entourage, Sopranos, etc), No Reservations and the glory of Netflix.


 Geek Love and other books about the circus and/or freaks, 100 Years of Solitude, House of the Spirits, Bukowski, Edie, I'm With the Band and other canons of groupie lit, Great Gatsby, Catcher in the Rye (duh), Jane Eyre, Madame Bovary (oh girls what shopping and coveting the wrong men will cost ya!), Naked, 9 1/2 Weeks, I Was A White Slave in Harlem, Bukowski, Angela Carter, Dorothy Parker, John Irving, bios of dissolute movie and rock stars (Klaus Kinski: Uncut!!!) and much, much more.


Andy Warhol, Madame de Pompadour, Dali, Kinski, Cary Grant, Peggy Googlyheim.

My Blog

Attack of the Babes From Bikini Beach

I always find it kinda wierd when someone I don't know requests my friendship. Ok, I've done it too but usually just to some artist I like and that's to be expected. And of course you expect it when s...
Posted by Kendall on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 03:30:00 PST

Whatever Happened to My Rock N' Roll?

I'm freelancing in an office and get stuck overhearing a bunch of the resident faux cool dude's banging itunes seeping in through the pasteboard walls. (I say faux cool because his occasional decent t...
Posted by Kendall on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 01:14:00 PST

Couldn't Have Said It Better

After not giving a shit once again about fashion week & kind of being not that interested in anything pop culturally anymore (at least not any music/films/whatever the f I used to follow religiously) ...
Posted by Kendall on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 05:51:00 PST


I have a shameful addiction. Okay, I probably have a few but this one is the worst and it's one you probably share, too. I am addicted to shoes. The more impractical, impossible to walk in and bizarre...
Posted by Kendall on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 08:22:00 PST

OK I Admit It!

A few years ago (which actually seems more like five though in reality it was three) I turned an age that was over 35 but still a shade away from the next decade. The person I was spanning time with a...
Posted by Kendall on Thu, 02 Nov 2006 08:23:00 PST

Sick To Death

I feel kinda normal today and that is a huge improvement considering I thought I was going to die last week. I know, it sounds like an exaggeration but once you have an almost 105 degree fever for fiv...
Posted by Kendall on Sat, 21 Oct 2006 07:40:00 PST

I Don't Care Anymore

So we're at the beginning of Fashion Week here in NYC and back when I was stuck in Dallas, I would have cut off a toe to attend eachandeverysingle party, event or show I could get myself into. I got i...
Posted by Kendall on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 07:56:00 PST

Appropriate for Children

I'm gearing up for Cranky McScreamy's first birthday in less than two weeks and since I've been mom-ing I've really become a crack Internet kid's shopping researcher. I can find brightly colored wall ...
Posted by Kendall on Fri, 25 Aug 2006 05:06:00 PST

Do you know what it means

To miss New Orleans? If you missed Spike Lee's "When the Levees Broke" on HBO last night the second half airs tonight and the whole thing airs in its entirety on the 29th. It's amazing the level of in...
Posted by Kendall on Tue, 22 Aug 2006 08:42:00 PST

Let 'Em Eat Cake!

I cannot WAIT to see this movie! lKirsten Dunst bugs the shit out of me and as usual everyone in a historical drama has a different accent (...
Posted by Kendall on Thu, 10 Aug 2006 02:26:00 PST