anime, music, hanging out with friends, taLking on the phone a Lot, browsing the internet and stuff Like that.. :D
wee... i guess peopLe of my same kind, *anime addict*... haha.. or anyone that wouLd Like to be my friend.. :D
mostLy what i Like to Listen to is anime music and jpop eventhough i cant reaLLy understand them... hehe...
funny and scary movies, i aLso Like those koreandramas shown here on the phiLippines... :D
weLL, i can't reaLLy say... hmm... i guess anything that is good to watch.. :D
i'm not reaLLy a fan of reading, but yeah! i sometimes read teen mags, haha... not reaLLy a book but hey? that's what i Like to read.. :D
hmmm... i guess.. everyone's a hero, in our own simpLe way! weee...