the dogs i belong to. cinco de communion, cinco de birthday... cinco de whatever- i'm not feeling picky. mojitos with my other half of smart. cardigan birth control. getting that perfect, impromptu picture. bistro PSA moments. sweater vests. men who wear sweater vests. metropark shenanigans. the sun. neighborhood kindness. late-night visits. early morning visits. cigars on the porch. beer. cornhole tournaments involving firemen. other people's children. knitting-esque. i like cheese.
people who are crazy about me. if i can just find a midget with some gin, i'll be in business. your significant other. people who see the irony... it's almost like a gift.
anything karen quotes/passes out to. she knows.
kristy mcnichol, come back to television. we miss you.
cornhole for dummies. the quickest way to fuck shit up, from points A to B. i do rely on my dictionary. plus i enjoy books about spintsters and whores. i'm well rounded...
the super duper heroes are my favorite.