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Psychic Shane

A boat is always safe in the harbor, but that isn't what it was built for.

About Me

To read ALL ABOUT Shane visit the Official Psychic Shane Website at:

Shane was born in a small town in the Southeastern corner of the State of Missouri. As luck would have it, he was born into a long line of psychics and "seers" in his family. From an early age it became clear that he was developing talents and abilities beyond that of other children his age. Shane's mother would line up pictures of the presidents and tell him to crawl to a particular one, he got it "right" nearly every time. By the age of 4 he became fascinated with photographs. His mother states "It was very embarrassing he began grabbing the purses and wallets of total strangers and visitors who came to the house, and pulling out the pictures to tell them which ones were dead and which ones were still living. It became particularly embarrassing when he would begin to speak to those who had passed on".

Around age 8 his mother's friends began to pick up on his unusual talents and soon they were asking him to "tell them their futures". He picked up an ordinary set of playing cards and began to do just that! The frequent visitors and friends arriving at the house to request his services eventually got to be too much of a burden on the family. It was at that point Shane's mother forbid her friends to continue asking him to "tell them their futures".

At the age of 12, his some what eccentric great aunt Geraldine passed away. The family began the usual process of going through the deceased person's belongings deciding what would be kept and what would need to be auctioned. During this process he found his aunt's deck of Tarot cards tucked inside a drawer with a Rosary. Fascinated by the colorful artwork on the old deck of cards and a strange feeling he got holding them in his hands, He begged family members to allow him to keep the deck of tarot cards, though at the time not knowing exactly what they were.The cards and the Rosary lay forgotten in a drawer in his bedroom until he turned 15. It was then he went to the local small town psychic to have his own very first psychic reading. It was there, he met Mary, a woman that would forever change his life. He sat down at the table shuffled the cards that looked almost like the ones he had inherited from his great aunt a few years earlier. Mary laid out a few of the cards, looked across the table at him and said "Kid, You don't need me! You are a seer and have your own talent." She finished the reading but would accept no money, instead asking him to return when he had time, so that she could teach him the art of the Tarot.

He returned nearly every day after school and on occasion, pestering Mary at her full and part-time jobs to answer questions or give guidance. Soon, he was managing to tend to his school work and giving psychic readings of the Tarot all on his own. By the age of 18 he was reading professionally at psychic fairs in and around the State of Missouri. Briefly working as a psychic in several of George Greene's Bandwagon Promotions psychic fairs in St. Louis.

Over the years Shane's clients have come from all walks of life and a wide range of professions everything from a celebrity or two, other psychics, Catholic priests, (Yes, I said priests), Reverends, Judges and state and local politicians whose names (like all of his clients) he refuses to reveal unless they direct him otherwise.

Today, Shane lives and works in Jefferson City, the State Capitol of Missouri, with his partner Carl, their two Chihuahuas Molly and Levi, their two cats Salem & Sadie, and two parakeets Akira and Derek. Shane still reads with the original set of Tarot cards he inherited from his Great Aunt Geraldine and the Rosary hangs near his bed.
THE ABOVE INFORMATION PROVIDED COURTESY OF PSYCHICSHANE.COM & THE MYSTIC ATTIC LLC The website and The Inner Circle Newsletter are the only official on-line sources of information regarding Psychic Shane, his schedule, tour dates, or other appearances. Shane and his office make absolutely no representations or endorsements of any other web-sites containing information about him.

My Interests

Tarot, Astrology, Psychic and Paranormal Studies, Poetry, Pets, Outdoors, Camping, Clubing & Parties.

I'd like to meet:

Stevie Nicks, Ann Richards, Mae West, Marilyn Monroe, Cher, Madonna, Pink, Carson Daly, Harry Truman & My Grandfather.

Below is a cool quiz I took, apparently I'm a bit uhhhh - ummm well "deviant". (evil grin)

You are the Marquis Da Sade. Even stripped of exaggerations, Your real life was as dramatic and as tragic as a cautionary tale. Born to an ancient and noble house, you were married (against your wishes) to a middle-class heiress for money, caused scandals withprostitutes and with your sister-in-law, thus enraging your mother-in-law, who had you imprisoned under a lettre de cachet for 14 years until the Revolution freed you. Amphibian, protean, charming, you became a Revolutionary, miraculously escaping the guillotine during the Terror, only to be arrested later for publishing your erotic novels. You spent your final 12 years in the insane asylum at Charenton, where you caused another scandal by directing plays using inmates and professional actors. You died there in 1814, virtually in the arms of your teenage mistress. You are a revolutionary deviant. I applaud you.

Which Imfamous criminal are you?
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You are Enchanted.

Which Stevie Nicks album are you?
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Stevie Nicks, PINK, Jane Monet, Cher, Madonna, Dolly Parton, Lorrie Morgan, Garth Brooks, Roxette, Blondie, JANID , Reba McEntire, Elton John, Eminem, Bonnie Tyler, Darren Hayes, Pussy Cat Dolls, Sophie B. Hawkins, Melissa Ethridge, Concrete Blonde, Shawn Mullins, Mary J. Blige, Taylor Dayne, Cyndi Lauper, Green Day, Diana Krall, Pat Benatar, ABBA, Erasure, Fleetwood Mac, Enya, Gwen Stefani, Trisha Yearwood, Lita Ford, Robbie Williams, Rod Stewart. . .Well just to name a few ;-)

Janid - YOU GO GIRL! Go all the way! Remember I told you so when you are on stage at the Grammy Awards!!!


Not sure I could watch this again, it was difficult for me to watch, however one of the very best movies I've ever seen! Broke Back Mountain


The fictional charactors in the movie above excluded, They sure has hell have never been cowboys! I suppose if I had to choose a hero though, it would have to be Mark Bingham. This mans bravery has inspired much hope and faith in my life. I hope his memory will live on forever! Click HERE to visit his website and read the story about one of the heros on Flight 93.

Gabriel. You're most like the ArchAngel of
Communication, in charge of things like
telephones, libraries, internet, and the 411
phone menu. You're organised and are not shy
about inflicting that organisation on others.
Which ArchAngel are you most like?
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You are the Moon card. Entering the Moon we enter
the intuitive and psychic realms. This is the
stuff dreams are made on. And like dreams the
imagery we find here may inspire us or
torment us. Understanding the moon requires
looking within. Our own bodily rhythms are
echoed in this luminary that circles the
earth every month and reflects the sun in its
progress. Listening to those rhythms may
produce visions and lead you towards insight.
The Moon is a force that has legends attached
to it. It carries with it both romance and
insanity. Moonlight reveals itself as an
illusion and it is only those willing to work
with the force of dreams that are able to
withstand this reflective light. Image from:
Stevee Postman.
Which Tarot Card Are You?
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What Personality Disorder Are You?Take the quiz:
Your Bedtime Body Language

Face Down
Studs who sleep on their stomachs have passion and energy. Your a hands on guy who tends to be punctual and successful. One caveat: Your propensity to hog the bed space with your sprawling position suggests you might be a tad controlling.
I'm laughing my damn ass off! Oh My GAWD! ! ! You think just a "tad" controlling? Too funny!

My Blog

Just Some Random Thoughts

Hello Everyone! First, well I have to brag a little bit (Hey, I'm just a guy) anyway I had a first happen the other night, a client came over with a friend she had purchased a personal reading for he...
Posted by Psychic Shane on Sun, 03 Sep 2006 11:15:00 PST

Voodoo faithful pray for miracles at sacred waterfalls in Haiti

I've always been fascinated by this religion. It is indeed quite rich in folklore and it's traditions are very colorful. Should be interesting to see what happens, any time so many people channel ener...
Posted by Psychic Shane on Tue, 18 Jul 2006 02:02:00 PST

A Little Sad I Guess

Im blogging today because Im a little sad I guess.   Carl took the girls to the airport on Saturday morning.   It seems at least at the beginning of their stay, I was well looking ...
Posted by Psychic Shane on Mon, 10 Jul 2006 01:59:00 PST

I believe I have failed a client

Its Saturday evening and as I began to finish up my last reading before a couple of days of much needed rest, I opened an email from the client. What I was about to read and experience surly I was not...
Posted by Psychic Shane on Thu, 01 Jun 2006 11:29:00 PST

Murdering Republicans (Don't read it if it's going to upset you)

 Wow - we can put a man on the moon, a probe on Mars, track a cow with mad cow's disease all the way from it's birth in Canada to it's slaughter in Texas and mind you know where every single off-...
Posted by Psychic Shane on Sat, 11 Mar 2006 09:55:00 PST

It's just not natural! But who am I to judge them?

Too cute...Who am I to judge their love for one another? Cat Comforts Grieving Orangutan at Zoo By The Associated PressFri Mar 10, 5:23 PM ET Tondalayo, a 45-year-old Sumatran orangutan, and T.J...
Posted by Psychic Shane on Sat, 11 Mar 2006 08:46:00 PST

I performed a marriage today!!!!

Well everyone, today I did something I've never done before.  I performed a marriage for a friend of mine.  I have been a licensed minister since 1998 but never thought I'd ever be granted s...
Posted by Psychic Shane on Thu, 23 Feb 2006 01:17:00 PST

This is who I am damn it!

So  Suffice it to say the gay community here in Jefferson City is well&Small!  In it's own twisted little way it's much like an even more dysfunctional DESPARATE housewives episode on ABC. ...
Posted by Psychic Shane on Tue, 21 Feb 2006 10:36:00 PST

Pisces In Mercury (No wonder.......!)

MERCURY Mercury represents your conscious, rational mind; your intellectual self; your capacity to use mental energy; your ability to study, learn, analyze and communicate information; your capacity t...
Posted by Psychic Shane on Fri, 17 Feb 2006 02:35:00 PST

Missouri Judge Rules That Lesbian Can Be Foster Parent

KANSAS CITY, MO - A Jackson County Circuit Court judge today overturned a Missouri Department of Social Services decision denying a woman's application to become a foster parent because she is a lesbi...
Posted by Psychic Shane on Fri, 17 Feb 2006 02:16:00 PST