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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

"I wANna PlAtiNuM BlOnDe LiFe... So I kEEp BlEaChINg OuT tHe ColOrS...."
"oH LiSa.. YoU JusT gO oFF InTo YoUR LiTTlE rOcK N rOll WoRlD........"
My all time favorite thing to do is to just lay out by the ocean with my headphones!! other than that, Lyrics, quotes,photos, poems, music, drawing, writing, anything creative! "Art is the only way to run away without leaving home." Reading biographies, anything on the court network, SEINFELD!, Grand theft auto and guitar hero!, going to concerts. Just hanging out. Playing any and every kind of sport, still a tomboy!! Anything exciting & anything inspiring!
....Do nOt Go wHerE tHe pAth mAy LeaD, ....gO InSteAd wHerE tHeRe iS nO pAth aNd LeaVe A tRaIL.
"I live in that solitude which is painful in youth, but delicious in the years of maturity..."
I could be REALLY pretentious and write this in 3rd person, but that just wouldn't be ME ;-) So here goes the fluffy myspace PG rated version... My Name is Lisa, Michele is my middle name. "I've been here too few years to feel this old" I'm 26, but more like an old soul 26. I live with my boyfriend who is almost twice my age (though he is a psycho a.d.d. drummer who I can hardly even keep up with), I like older music, I swear I was born in the wrong era, or I am reincarnated from the 70's or something.I always wished I was from California, or lived there. I grew up mainly in Ozone Park Queens NYC, but moved around quite a bit.I envy people that have lived in one area their whole lives and have good friends that have been with them since childhood. I was always very good at keeping my self entertained, I learned how to work a record player (yes I said record player, as in vinyl) when I was one and a half years old, I barely knew how to walk and I would sit in my room and play records all by myself for hours on end, thats when the music bug bit! I was actually somewhat of a child prodigy but I got into heavy metal, and that became what every brain cell was focused on... I did take guitar lessons at the age of four but I wanted to be eddie van halen right there and then and getting through the notes on paper first was just taking too long (patience has never been a friend of mine..)To this day I wish I would have stuck with it. My ex-hippie mom had no problem with me expressing myself in any way, and wanted me to learn life's lessons by experience so I was let loose, allowed to do alot, Which maybe made me a little rebellious and a little bit of an outcast dressing like a biker chick in second grade, going to religious school on Wednesdays and church with Motley Crue concert T's complete with pentagrams (I know.. I am going to burn) but that also made me a leader, not a follower or a robot, and made me the type of person that will be who they want and do what they want regardless of whats "cool" I couldn't live with myself any other way! I always seem to have to do the opposite of everything and everybody (just tell me not to do something!!) which seems to really frustrate people but I love being unique! Honesty & Integrity mean everything to me,My biggest fault is that I have waaay too much pride. I'm half Italian so I can be thickheaded : ) I have a hard time asking for help, I need to learn everything on my own and usually I have to learn everything the hard way. I make the absolute worst choices in life ..and still keep making them. I have also been told many times that I have an answer for everything! I love to be inspired. I love my occasional flows of creativity (wish they would come more often). Kids love me, and I love acting silly, making them laugh. I ALWAYS root for the underdog.. As you can see I LOVELOVELOVE music! I have a problem holding on to decade of decadence by motley crue it was my fav, and always got lost or broke, Santa brought that to me every single year as a kid. Music is my xanax. Im too sentimental. I am a piece of work. The wheels are ALWAYS turning so I tend to go into the "O" alot, that annoys some people... (the "O" stands for oblivion, when you just stare into space in your own thoughts) I am a starbucks addict, I love coffee waaaaay too much. I laugh ALOT. I am an extremist, enough is NEVER enough. I get extremely restless, I need boredom insurance. I think I'm funny : ) Growing up I loved drawing, playing sports, and skateboarding. Anything active. Its a great release. I miss that so much, I wish I could play sports now but there's not too many girls my age that are down with that (and the guys just wanna get laid!!) I like to box, I was a total tomboy and I still am! (sorry to all the boys I beat up as a kid, I was such a pissed off brat, here is my public apology!!) My life has been a roller coaster, misfits DO attract misfits, and karma IS a bitch, now I'm happy to just be happy! The past is past, the future is unknown and today is a gift, thats why they call it the "present"! I try to stay out of my own way, take most things and people with a grain of salt, Keep moving forward and staying optimistic, excited to see what the future holds, Anything is possible! If you really believe in something deep enough and long enough,It will eventually happen. Well I'm out of cliche's & tired of typing, I'm going to get some coffee................................................
"MuSiC iS WhAt FeEliNgS sOuNd LikE.."
~ I have EXTREMELY eclectic taste in music, though there are really only two types, good and bad ;-) Music raised me, It has been the only consistent thing in my life!!
“I lOve it wHen SomeOne iNsuLts mE. ThAt mEaNs tHat I dOn't haVe tO be niCe aNyMoRe.”-Billy Idol

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Who I'd Like To Meet :
"We HaVe tHe sAme nEuRosEs."- Vampira

People that love music as much if not more then me. Interesting people, people that have been through alot, people with stories. People who have made a big difference (in the world or just in their lives)Celebrity or not there is something valuable to learn from everyone you meet. People that make me stop and think, and question things.. "There really are only two kinds of people who are very fascinating: people who know absolutely everything, and people who know absolutely nothing." ....aside from all that I guess it would have to be my fellow Sagittarian Billy Idol, and YOU!! ;-)

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ My mom, and anyone else who has been through so much but does not let it change who they really are, and still try to make the best of their life, waking up everyday with a smile on their face instead of a chip on their shoulder. Anyone with the courage to go against the grain and be whoever and whatever they want to be, regardless of what anybody else thinks or says, even if they wind up alienating themselves. Anyone who can come from nothing and make a success out of themselves on their own, doing what they love and not having to be a slave to someone else 40+hrs a week....... ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

"I nEveR aCCepTed tHe iDeA tHat I haD tO bE gUidEd bY sOme pAttErn Or blUepRiNt"- lil' Richard

No I'm nO aNgeL, nO I'm nO sTraNgeR tO tHe sTrEet I..Ve gOt mY LAbel, sO I wOn't crUmBle At yOur fEEt ....aND I knOW bAby, SO I'vE gOt scArs upOn mY chEEk And I'm hAlf crAZy, COme oN aNd lOve mE bAbY








♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

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“**wE’re aLL iN tHe gUttEr, bUt sOme oF uS aRe loOkIng aT tHe stArS.**” -Oscar Wilde.

My Blog

Whos on Facebook??

Just Created a Facebook Page,  Come Say HI !  ...
Posted by LisaMichele™ on Mon, 12 May 2008 03:20:00 PST

SoUnD AdVicE

Thought for today and every day: Happiness... We convince ourselves that life will be better after we get married. Then we convince ourselves that we’ll be happy after we have a baby. Then we ...
Posted by LisaMichele™ on Sat, 22 Mar 2008 07:57:00 PST

You could have it all if it matters to you....

Is it sane to spend your whole life chasing a dream... What is the alternative? Pop out a few kids, stay home and lose you. (insert name here) doesn't exist anymore. You are now mom. Stay home while t...
Posted by LisaMichele™ on Sun, 30 Sep 2007 10:30:00 PST

Where are all the REAL girls out there?

Why are guys just so easy and relaxing to hang out with. No worries, no touchyness. They're just about being happy and having a good time. Bottom line, plain and simple. Where are all the real girls ...
Posted by LisaMichele™ on Sun, 30 Sep 2007 09:23:00 PST