Eana Apple profile picture

Eana Apple


About Me

I come from a family of artists, teachers, musicans, and generally creative Michigan gypsies. I have been making art since I was a wee-one, and just never stopped. My sister and I once used up all of the finger paints in about an hour--simultaneously ending my Pollack & finger painting phases. After exploring nearly every art medium, I have settled on collage....I love painting, photography, printmaking, and collecting stuff I find on the ground, growing in trees, and in other people's trash. I also really really love: music festivals, theater, crafting with my friends, sitting on my porch, laughing at my 14-toed cat, sitting in the family tree house, swimming in small bodies of water, actually stopping to smell the flowers, poking around the darkroom, admiring clean dishes, eating breakfast with friends, and generally kicking back, and relaxing....

My Interests

Art, especially collage, painting, printmaking, photography.

I'd like to meet:

Several of the greatest artist who have ever lived. Especially the ones who are not famous.


Sounds great, and usually is quite inspiring. Any of my lovely cassette tapes.... Oh yeah, Michael Beauchamp! I especially love the cover....


My favorite are costume dramas, (Jane Austen), and anything from Masterpiece Theatre.


Is probably melting my brain, but not as much as this computer I'm looking at. Also, why no radio category? I love the radio! I am 100% addicted to This American Life archived podcasts. That's all my ipod is good for.


Any suggestions?


see: who I'd like to meet, and my family & friends.