Vivrant Thang profile picture

Vivrant Thang

~Sexy is a state of mind. It's about feeling vivacious~

About Me

digitalfragrance designs

Someone once asked me-what do I love? That's easy. The sound and smell of raindrops; chocolate covered strawberries; fireplaces; children giggling; a glass of Riesling complimented by smooth jazz after a long day; hues of red, blue, orange, and pink; random acts of kindness; Caribbean ocean waves washing over me; discovering music I can feel; hot chocolate; the forehead kiss; signature martinis; strong, warm hands massaging all my thoughts away; thunderstorms; breakfast in bed on an easy Sunday morning; candelight; weekend escapes; heady cologne; fried chicken and mac and cheese; afterplay; and dancing in random places like no one is watching

My Interests

Reading, writing fiction, traveling (preferably somewhere that will get me a stamp on my passport), Feeladelphia, black art (collecting and viewing--big fan of Jonathan Green); interior design (love looking at well designed, colorful homes); big sports fan (go Eagles! Go Heat!); live music, esp neo soul, 80s/90s hip hop & R&B and jazz; attending open mikes; photography (black and white and viewing exhibits); dining out, hanging out on beach/by lake fronts, wine and food festivals, and collecting coffee table books (I have about 40 on a variety of subjects (art, nudes, and, jazz, and wine to name a few)

I'd like to meet:

Not going to limit myself here. Step into my world...


I can't even begin to explain. Ya'll should already know. Neo-soul / Jazz / R&B (especially 80s & 90s)/ 80s & 90s Hip-Hop / the music babyboomers grinded to under the blue lights in the basement.



Love Jones, Love and Basketball, School Daze, everything Quentin Tarentino, Shawshank Redemption, The Color Purple, Roots, Coffy, Lady Sings the Blues, Mohogany, Scarface, Godfather I and II, Mo Betta Blues, and the list goes on


Not much of anything because of this writer's strike! Thank God I discovered "Snapped" and "The Wire" is back baby!


My Blog

My "Other" Blog is on!

To say 2008 is starting off on an incredible note is an understatement. I've mentioned my other blog several times but have never directly linked to it because well...I didn't want to. However, it's n...
Posted by Vivrant Thang on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 06:00:00 PST

SO Good

As I'm sitting here sipping on a hot toddy and listening to my current profile song (Pharoahe Monch - So Good), I'm thinking about how many things in my life are so good. Sure, I bitch and moan and ha...
Posted by Vivrant Thang on Mon, 14 Jan 2008 10:34:00 PST

From Erro to Prince: I Gets Around!

Happy New Year to all I haven't spoken to personally. I know I've been MIA from this space for a while but my blog is really taking off and I'm so excited to be writing again about what I love - music...
Posted by Vivrant Thang on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 09:21:00 PST

The ERRO Concert Experience

James Brown was the hardest working man in show business, rest his soul. Tom Joyner is the hardest working man in radio. Let it be known that Eric Roberson is the hardest working independent artist in...
Posted by Vivrant Thang on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 08:29:00 PST

I "Got Back" With Little Brother!

I'm almost ashamed to say that I wasn't up on Little Brother before attending their show in DC a couple of weekends ago. I'd certainly heard of them, but didn't have any of their albums. Luckily, my ...
Posted by Vivrant Thang on Wed, 12 Dec 2007 02:43:00 PST

Theres Something About Keite

I had the pleasure of finding out just what that was last weekend at the Black Cat. Keite opened to a crowd practically simmering over in anticipation of rocking with Chrisette Michele. A couple of pe...
Posted by Vivrant Thang on Mon, 26 Nov 2007 08:46:00 PST

So Thankful: Lets Rock With Chrisette Michele

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I actually cooked dinner all by myself for the first time. I especially put my foot all in the stuffing, sweet potato pie (from scratch thank you!), and b...
Posted by Vivrant Thang on Mon, 26 Nov 2007 09:11:00 PST

"Reminisce : Bilal Concert Videos

Another Bilal concert in the books. This time I got videos for your viewing pleasure. He showed out as usual, singing all the favorites from 1st Born Second and cuts from the "lost album." I got...
Posted by Vivrant Thang on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 08:48:00 PST

She is the REAL THING Indeed!

Went to see Jilly from Philly Sunday night in Bmore.  FREE concert at Ram's Head Tavern, courtesy of the hookup from the lash-alicious Butta. It's nice to have friends in high places.   Tal...
Posted by Vivrant Thang on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 07:05:00 PST

Seconds of Pleasures : Highlights from Van Hunt Concert

Seconds of pleasure indeed.... This was my second time seeing Van Hunt in concert. First time, we actually got to go backstage and meet him before the show. (Funny story behind that, but I'll spare yo...
Posted by Vivrant Thang on Tue, 30 Oct 2007 02:15:00 PST