Josh profile picture


Hey, I'm not great, but I'm better than that guy.

About Me

mole (4:00:00 PM): "did you hear about that guy that wrestled a deer to death?"mark(4:00:34 PM): "what?"mole (4:00:55 PM): "i guess this deer got into a guys house and he wrestled it down and killed it with his bare hands" mole(4:01:01 PM): "and i figured it might have been soine" MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

Bonfires, jumping from high places, running and biking, listening to music, watching movies, playing with legos, plastic dinosaurs and action figures, eating, sleeping, procrastinating, reading, showing off my mastery of the air guitar, and all things Chuck Norris. (

I'd like to meet:

The guy who stood in front of the tanks at Tiananmen Square.


I got a bit of everything, but I tend to listen to Okkervil River, the Streets, Flogging Molly, Avenged Sevenfold, Mae, Melee, Gorrilaz, Modest Mouse, Zero 7, the Strokes, Brightblack Morning Light, Broken Social Scene... and I could go on but I'm quickly losing interest as are you, I'm sure.


Equilibrium, Way of the Gun, Batman Begins, Puff The Magic Dragon, Ninja Turtles, The Boondock Saints, The Punisher, War of the Worlds, Carebears the Movie, Fight Club, Sin City, Hero, The Jacket, Criminal, Trainspotting, Magnolia, Tombstone, Full Metal Jacket, Rushmore, Thursday.


The iTunes music visualizer.


Dante's Inferno, Beowulf, Don Quixote, various others that I've read multiple times but am too lazy to list and of course anything by Terry Goodkind, Dan Brown, and Robert Jordan.


Papa Smurf, of course...

My Blog

Chester A Arthur

That's right folks, you're only jealous that you don't have a nascar shirt like this.
Posted by Josh on Fri, 20 Jan 2006 04:41:00 PST

Damn college

Wow, this is a waste of time, and just think, i'm doing this instead of homework
Posted by Josh on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST