Damien (Gone to IRAQ) profile picture

Damien (Gone to IRAQ)

DaYDaY haz stepped in da buildin.....

About Me

Sup everybody?First and foremost I’d like to thank those of you who actually give the time and effort of reading my brief description. It basically sums up the basic things there is to know about me.For starters, I’m in the military (US Marine Corps). Been doing this for over 7 years now. I’ve been to a few countries outside of the states, and a wide variety of places inside of it. I’ve also been going to school part-time on and off pursuing a degree in Information Technology. I have a soft heart for kids and also have a interest in teaching, so I’ll likely sometime down the road pursue a career in teaching as well.I’m mixed with Black/German and the oldest of 3 other siblings (2 sisters and a brother). I have no kids (RIP Damien Jr.) but I do hope to eventually have some when God feels the time and woman is right. I’m very easy to get along with. My demeanor is very calm and laid back, however I am also at times real goofy. I just love to see people smile and laugh, I can’t help it. I’m very active in sports, mostly basketball and football.Overall I’m just on here to keep tabs with old friends, and even make new ones. Not really on this thing to find love or anything, I’m actually not even looking. I feel when the time is right God will deliver the person meant for me however he intends it to happen. If it so happens to be over MySpace, so be it. My best relationships always came at the most unexpected times, so I just let things happen on their own. However, I am in a constant quest for improvement. I will always continue to strive for the better mentally, physically, emotionally, and most important I feel I need to continually improve spiritually. I need to continue to improve my relationship with and knowledge of God. So if you aint somewhere on that level, then I really can’t mess wit ya. Anyways, this little bit of info is starting to get a little long so I’m gonna cut it short here. But feel free to holla at me. God Bless!

My Interests

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I'd like to meet:

Myspace Graphics - Myspace Layouts

My real life peeps/family (VIP)

Baby Brother

Lil Sister

My Top DAWG Daren

My New Orleans Round J-Starks

My Boy Since Bootcamp

My Baby Mama

Lil Cuz - More Like A Brother

My Nigga Jamal

My Girl Tucker

Always A Place In My Heart


Big Tone


Lil Cuz Brandi

Lil Cuz Ashley

Lil Cuz Anastasia

Highschool Sweetheart

Highschool Sweeties Lil Sister

My Sister's Baby Daddy


Brown (Cheif)



C-Note aka Da Tittey Monsta





Jigga (Jenkins)



Crown Loyal



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My Blog

So Im going to Iraq...

Am i scared? Not at all. Of course there’s the thoughts of what if... You know? What if i’m hurt. What if i loose a limb or somthing.  What if i suffer injuries that permantely m...
Posted by Damien (Gone to IRAQ) on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 08:02:00 PST

Mens Greatest Blessing

You might not hear this everyday, you might not have ever heard it ever before.  Rather it's because we're too stupid to realize it, or too stubborn to admit it, WOMEN you are our greatest blessi...
Posted by Damien (Gone to IRAQ) on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 07:44:00 PST

Losing Your Child...

 How can love somthing that never really made it here? I had to find out the hard way.  You always feel really bad for the unfortunate individuals that have to go through this but you neve...
Posted by Damien (Gone to IRAQ) on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 11:41:00 PST


You haven't been gone long, but it's already starting to seem like forever.  You go through this life knowing that death is a part of it, and trying to expect it, but it always catches you offgua...
Posted by Damien (Gone to IRAQ) on Sat, 26 Aug 2006 04:06:00 PST