I love to play softball, play with my weimaraner and please my loving husband. I also enjoy playing racketball when I have someone to play with. I also love roses.&
I would have loved to have met Elvis, but I guess any movie star or singer will do.
I like movies that make me laugh. My favorite movie is Gone With Wind and any movie that Elvis was in.
My favorite TV shows are The Family Guy and South Park. I also like Dargon Ball, Dargon Ball Z, Dargon Ball GT and all the Sailor Moon shows when they were on.
Not a big book person
My Husband is one of my heroes. We have been friend for many years, he loves me and supports me. He is my best friend, my lover and maybe someday the father of my childern.Also my dad and mom are my heroes. They both are hard working people and no matter what they are there for me.