Things I love: shoes; hungarian culture; ice cream; going to the gym with AmiKay; coffee; Riesling wine; and naptime. Things I do for fun: shop, shop, shop (favorite stores include: Nordstrom, Banana Republic, Ann Taylor, Crate & Barrel, Williams-Sonoma, Pottery Barn and Restoration Hardware) flowers (gardening and arranging); reading, cooking and sometimes the occasional scrapbook. Traveling is something I would love to do more of. I've been to: Honduras, Mexico, Canada, Bahamas, Jamaica, Grenada, Brazil, England, Luxembourg, Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland, Monaco, Morroco, Rock of Gibraltar, Spain and Denmark. And I'd really like to go to: Greece, Portugal, Grand Cayman Islands, Australia, Thailand and most of all Tahiti or Figi.
Amelia Earhart (if still alive....I'm an optomist), Oprah, Norah Jones, Michael Buble, Andrea Boccelli, Matt Lauer, Ellen DeGeneres.
I was raised on Pink Floyd, Steve Miller and ZZ Top but I was never really into them. I absolutely love classical especially Verdi. I am really starting to enjoy light jazz I guess you'd call it, such as Michael Buble, Norah Jones, Harry Connick Jr. But I can still go for the classics like Frank Sinatra, Elvis, Beatles. I pretty much enjoy all genres, although I could do with less rap in the world.
Well, my favorite movie of all time is Grease with John Travolta and Olivia Newton John. I can literally do every line and song. I think I've watched it at least 100 times! The other top 4 are:2)Count of Monte Cristo 3)Memoirs of a Geisha (You are to become Geisha!) 4)Kingdom of Heaven (Oh, Orlando Bloom!) 5)Princess Bride (AS YOU WISH)
My absolute favorite show on the earth is Grey's Anatomy. After that would have to be Deadliest Catch on Discovery Channel.
I would love to write a book one day. I already have a plot and a I'm close right?
The victims of the Tsunami, Hurricane Katrina, 9-11 and the massacre at Virginia Tech.