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About Me

I do have to say that my life is pretty perfect in my opinion. I have an awesome husband, a beautiful 2 year-old son, Logan, another bundle on the way and a great new house. We just built it on 3 acres in the woods of Maryland where we live with our two cats, Banks & Biddle. My parents live nearby and my brother is getting ready to head to Orlando to fulfill a dream in the movie industry.I have a degree in Public Relations and Music although I don't really use the latter except to sing in church or occasional choir group oh and with the radio. I used to work as an editor for the Department of Justice but when Logan was born I started to work from home as the Marketing Director of a company in Rockville. I am now the Manager of our Rockville showroom and I love it my co-workers are just another extension of family, just 80 of them. Sometimes if I am lucky I get to dabble in interior design!My husbands parents live in Brazil and so we have a permanent vacation spot. But we do love to travel when we can. I have 3 very best friends (Ami, Jaime & Karla) and since I don't have any sisters I rely mostly on them for their "advice" (martini optional). Therefore I have 6 neices and nephews including the blood related!The last two years have been exceptionally challenging for me but so far this year is proving to be very productive and now that we are all moved in we can calm down a bit :)
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My Interests

Things I love: shoes; hungarian culture; ice cream; going to the gym with AmiKay; coffee; Riesling wine; and naptime. Things I do for fun: shop, shop, shop (favorite stores include: Nordstrom, Banana Republic, Ann Taylor, Crate & Barrel, Williams-Sonoma, Pottery Barn and Restoration Hardware) flowers (gardening and arranging); reading, cooking and sometimes the occasional scrapbook. Traveling is something I would love to do more of. I've been to: Honduras, Mexico, Canada, Bahamas, Jamaica, Grenada, Brazil, England, Luxembourg, Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland, Monaco, Morroco, Rock of Gibraltar, Spain and Denmark. And I'd really like to go to: Greece, Portugal, Grand Cayman Islands, Australia, Thailand and most of all Tahiti or Figi.

I'd like to meet:

Amelia Earhart (if still alive....I'm an optomist), Oprah, Norah Jones, Michael Buble, Andrea Boccelli, Matt Lauer, Ellen DeGeneres.


I was raised on Pink Floyd, Steve Miller and ZZ Top but I was never really into them. I absolutely love classical especially Verdi. I am really starting to enjoy light jazz I guess you'd call it, such as Michael Buble, Norah Jones, Harry Connick Jr. But I can still go for the classics like Frank Sinatra, Elvis, Beatles. I pretty much enjoy all genres, although I could do with less rap in the world.


Well, my favorite movie of all time is Grease with John Travolta and Olivia Newton John. I can literally do every line and song. I think I've watched it at least 100 times! The other top 4 are:2)Count of Monte Cristo 3)Memoirs of a Geisha (You are to become Geisha!) 4)Kingdom of Heaven (Oh, Orlando Bloom!) 5)Princess Bride (AS YOU WISH)


My absolute favorite show on the earth is Grey's Anatomy. After that would have to be Deadliest Catch on Discovery Channel.


I would love to write a book one day. I already have a plot and a title...so I'm close right?


The victims of the Tsunami, Hurricane Katrina, 9-11 and the massacre at Virginia Tech.

My Blog

It's all about me folks.

-Name: Kelly Anne  -Age: 28-Siblings: 1 -Brothers: 1- Wedeh the great!-Sisters: No, but I have two amazing sister in-laws.-Eye color: hazel-Shoe size: 9.5-Height: 5'10"-Innie or Outie: innie-What...
Posted by Bucko on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 08:50:00 PST

The last straw

So alot of you know that I've been having some stressful times lately and some things just tend to set me off unexpectedly. Well I also like to drink my beverages with straws when I have them in ...
Posted by Bucko on Thu, 06 Jul 2006 07:10:00 PST

The Cheesecake SMACKtory

So this was written by my friend Jimmy. He went with me to the restaurant, The Cheesecake Factory...please read the following. So last night I went out with a bunch of friends to The Cheesecake Factor...
Posted by Bucko on Wed, 22 Feb 2006 06:50:00 PST