words, pictures, sounds, being away from home and then returning, my living room, luxury hotels, persons possessed of behavioral traits not unbecoming an adult, muddy cleats, vestax, vinyl, techs, triple cream, ten-dollar words, bass guitars, comma-separated lists
THX 1138
uh huh... you can do what you want, but i never touch the stuff.
touch of evil, the hunted (cause my Mom was in it), the loneliness of the long distance runner, ghost dog, lola rennt, the limey, the conversation, the taking of pelham one two three, 24 hour party people, hero, black and white, nick and nora, mcqueen, kubrick, michael mann
32" jvc, with remote.
salinger's 'raise high the roof beam, carpenters' (eternal favorite), winston churchill's 'painting as a pastime,' burgess, john d. macdonald, john irving, dick francis (esp. aboard a plane), the invasion of the moon 1957-70, the most beautiful woman in town, southern africa by rail, the messiah of stockholm, the missing piece meets the big O, highbrow, graphic, pulp, my stepmother's series of coffee table books.
my folks.