It doesn't take much to be friends with me, as long as you're honest and you don't hide the real you. I like people who don't hold back how they feel.
I'm you're typical jack-of-all-trades I guess. I'm into cars, planes, and music. I've kinda gotten into songwriting alot over the last year and a half, I play piano, bass guitar, and trumpet, I work on military planes every day, and as far as cars go, I do all of my own repair work, no matter how in-depth. The Navy really taught me that the more difficult something is, the more you'll learn from it.
I started this myspace cause people bugged me enough to start one as a 2006 New Year's resolution, even though I didn't want to. I'm glad I did though. It's been great for keeping in touch with my military friends as we travel to different corners of the planet, and my friends back home while I'm away from them. I don't check it nearly as much as I should, but I've been able to come on more often now with my job change in the Navy. Bug me enough, and maybe I'll update it more.
Should I leave the Navy in 2009 or extend to 2010?
Read my blog titled "Navy College... a curse and a blessing:" for more info on this poll.What should I do with my Navy Career?
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