Photography(black and white), working out, helping others, living my life, going to downtown chicago and hanging out, nice weather, hanging out with my friends, talking .., meeting new people, thunder storms, standing in the rain, kissing, cuddling, listening to music, relaxing and i dunno wut elseTHESE ARE MY FRIENDS, BEST FRIENDS, CLOSE FRIENDS, THE FRIENDS I LOVE AND THE PEOPLE THAT GIVE ME REASON TO LIVE ...REASON TO SAY HEY IM GUNA BE HAPPY AND THATS THAT :) I LOVE ALL OF YOU!!!
My Angel Maggie :)Besides the undertaker, I'd love to make some more friends if i dont have enough already haha. But also i am looking for that special someone as well and to be honest with you all it doesnt take much for me to fall as sad at that is haha i know i know..i have to really hold back a lil but i cant help it :)
The Punisher, The Crow, The Crow City of Angels and any movie that would interest me Ok listen all you dumb mother fucking bitches MY GF IS NOT A FUCKING WHORE!!!! This picture is fucking art and its pHoToGRaPhY - do you know what that means ? mayb you dont when you see this because ur jelous your bf doesnt put a picture like this of you on his page. Screw off cuz if you dont like it THEN STOP LOOKING AT MY PAGE! I love you maggie! :):):) and yes you are incredibly beautiful and no matter what ne1 says my feelings for you will never change If the people we love are stolen from us, the way to have them live on is to never stop loving them. Buildings burn. People die. But real love lives forever."
MY MAGGIE My parents, my friends who have been there for me and you know who you are, Bruce Lee, and my freshman math teacher Mr. Granat