Love, Passion, Heavy Metal, Laughter, Piano, Violent Art, Religion, Family, Pro Wrestling, Driving, Outdoors, Crashing Old People Parties
Rickson Gracie, Forrest Griffin, Eric Clapton, James Hetfield, Jacoby Shaddix, MC Chris, Morris Day and the mother fuckin TIME, Gunney Ermey, and probably a few other musicians
I love heavy metal. Ambient tunes and Classical works are also righteous.
Austin Powers, Ace Ventura, Lord of the Rings, Wayne's World, Silent Hill, Fast Times at Ridgemont High
Conan Obrien, Family Guy, South Park, History channel anything.
The Bible, Lord of the Rings trilogy , Dante's Inferno, The Hobbit, Night, The Rock Says..., In Sylvan Shadows, and of course the Spanish Dictionary
i have many ,the entire Marine Corps. especially my best good buddy Eric Johnson for being a badass person and fighting to defend our freedom. My folks. My grandparents are all badasses. Clay Cox is a badass.