The Black Coven of Satanas profile picture

The Black Coven of Satanas


About Me

Visit the Black Coven of Satanas Website We here in the Black Coven of Satanas are working diligently to help the spread of Traditional Satanism in the world today. As a Coven we except only local members who can actively participate in the biweekly rituals, however we are always happy to talk to people about Satanism and to help educate people who are interested in the religion. I, High Priest Azael,am responsible or updateing the Myspace and website, and will make it a point to get on here more often. If anyone has any questions about the coven or Satanism in general, do not hesitate to ask.

My Interests

We are of the mind that in order to be a Satanist one must; A) Worship the Devil. B) Oppose Jehova. C) Live by his Laws.Can't live up to that? Then you're DAMN-WELL NOT a Satanist and this page is not for you!

I'd like to meet:

Other Satanists so that we may unite in a bond of unity, less those who are without prevail aganst us.


ArchGoat, the only TRUE Satanic Black metal band!


The Al-Jilwah, The Book of the Law , The Diobolicon, Satanism Today , and of course the Satanic Bible and Rituals for what parts of them are worth reading. (Damn athiests have to fuck up a good idea). Also, The Dark arts is a very good read.


Always Uncle Al.

My Blog

New book on the way!

Our new book "Infernal Ceremonial Magick" should be out soon, you will be able to order it from our website. 
Posted by The Black Coven of Satanas on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 01:11:00 PST

Our first book has just been published!

The first book by the Black Coven of Satanas has now been published.  It is called "Traditional Satanic Ritual" and is available for the low price of $6.66!  This small book is a handbook of...
Posted by The Black Coven of Satanas on Thu, 22 Jun 2006 12:52:00 PST

The Truth

  Contrary to current popular belief (mainly brought about by the Church of Satan) Satanism is NOT a form of atheism with ritual and symbolism. Satanism is historically the religious worship of ...
Posted by The Black Coven of Satanas on Wed, 07 Jun 2006 12:01:00 PST

What makes a Satanist a Satanist

The term Satanism has been, in modern times, the subject of much undue confusion. Distinctions have been made between differing factions, ideologies, and traditions. One would think that Satanism inv...
Posted by The Black Coven of Satanas on Wed, 07 Jun 2006 11:57:00 PST

Crowley the Satanist

Do whout thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Aleister Crowley consciously worshipped Satan and placed Him at the head of Thelemic theology. This statement will undoubtedly agitate and maybe even...
Posted by The Black Coven of Satanas on Wed, 07 Jun 2006 11:50:00 PST

Al-jilwah intro

This is the most sacred of holy texts to the Traditional Satanist. It was originally dictated to a group of Devil worshipers in the middle east known as Yezidis. In the late 12th century, their leader...
Posted by The Black Coven of Satanas on Wed, 07 Jun 2006 11:19:00 PST

The Al-jilwah or Book of Revelation.

CHAPTER I I was, am now, and shall have no end. I exercise dominion over all creatures and over the affairs of all who are under the protection of my image. I am ever present to help all who trust in...
Posted by The Black Coven of Satanas on Wed, 07 Jun 2006 11:14:00 PST