Theatre, writing, geeky ass movie prop stuff, autographs, poker, contemporary art...and hiding bodies.
Friends, strippers, polar Mel Brooks, Carl Reiner, Neil Simon, you know, all the great jewish comedians!
Jazz and Blues (nothing like a little Ella, man) Musicals, some contemporary (though they just don't make music like they used to).
Pulp Fiction, The Producers, Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead, Day of the Dead, Land of the Dead (Romero rules!), 28 Days Later, Shaun of the Dead, The Sting, Star Wars (hmmm...ya think?).....and of course, MEL BROOKS IS GOD!
Don't watch it, but LOST was great on DVD. The X-FILES and MILLENIUM were also great in the day. Got hooked on 24 recently, and DEADWOOD is the greatest western drama ever made (and Ian McShane is a badass).
David Mamet's TRUE AND FALSE, anything Stephen King (The Dark Tower series!) Elmore Leonard, SOCK by Penn Jillet, anything about the theatre.
Zero Moster, Nathan Lane, Kevin Spacey, Neil Simon, Sid Caesar, Mel, most of these guys are Jewish...