Stand-Up Comedy, Movies, Card Tricks, Scuba Diving, The Magic Castle, Making People Laugh, Working Out, Friends, Reading, Doing Voice Overs, and so much more...
Sean Hannity in a dark alley!!
U2, Elvis, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Jimmy Buffett,Crash Test Dummies, and more...
The Jerk, The Princess Bride, The Big Lebowski, Die Hard (all), Indiana Jones (all)....the list goes on, and on, and on, and on.
Magnum P.I. is the best.. Northern Exposure, Bullshit, Curb Your Enthusiasm...
Chuck Palahniuk, Hemingway, Einstein
Bill Hicks, Hemingway, Richard Dawkins, Steve Forte, Steve Martin, Carl Sagan and Sid Caesar.