The world is so
full of a number of things,
I'm sure we should all be
as happy as kings.
Robert Louis Stevenson
(*there's beauty in the breakdown*)
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i'm a vivrant thing:
chatty*smart*a popular sanguine/powerful choleric*love dessert & the gym*indie & cheesy*impulsively neat & lazy with cleaning*i feel things intensely but i bounce back quick; i cry often but i laugh often-er. (thank God for chortling, sillyness & bouts of nar.)
i think it's unfortunate when people ignore their spiritual growth; i can't describe how i was turned inside out when i finally gave God a chance. ♥ i wish everyone knew how that felt.
you become what you focus on so i try to focus on positive things... (law of attraction) you also get what you give (law of reciprocity) so if you want love, give it. if you want blessings, bless others. "don't let your character change color with your environment. find who you are and let it stay in its true colors." Rachel Scott, whose life was taken at Columbine
not everyday is rose colored, but life is such a gift; it's all about that attitude of gratitude. it's good to notice dappled sunlight, rent movies that make you cry (or laugh), have wasabi icecream for dessert, be transparent so others can sense your real-ness & perhaps, relate to you.
frankly, i'm sweeter than ben n jerry's. i revel in the cheesiness of the eighties. sparkle motion. i'm hopelessly
i l♥ve when the day is green and gold. i like rainy days (witha few sunny ones thrown in for balance), and andre & i both enjoy cold weather. when i know a thunderstorm is coming, a certain peace settles over me.
and, i've been a chocolaholic since age 7 when i ate a bag of hersheys kisses & made myself sick....
last year andre, isaiah & i moved from St.Croix, USVI to Florida. I was born and raised in St.Croix as was my father's family for many generations back. Isaiah was born there too.
I celebrate & love my Cruzan (Crucian) heritage. I also appreciate America, the foundational principles it's based on. As I've grown up I truly understand that freedom is not free; i'm grateful for the price others have paid to ensure our freedoms - past & present. Regardless of what's going on, this always has and always will be the most amazing country. focus on the positive, do something about the negative, stop whining.
i am an only child ...grew up in St. Croix, after highschool lived in NY, FL & CA. after a few years in St.Croix we're stateside again... my mom is a white girl from ireland
...making me a cruzan mutt / caribbean empress.
(i love st croix, and i miss it now; when i'm there i begin to get sick of it and when i leave i get homesick for it! for us, the best way to live on stx is part-time. there's no place like it, tho.)
my husband, andre♥, is my completor. God created us for eachother; we're alike in the ways that matter & different in the ways that make it interesting. he's my best friend and 5 years of marriage have flown by...
our 4 year old, isaiah, is always mach 3 with his hair on fire: exuberant, affectionate, rowdy, extraordinary. having him not only taught me a crash course in patience but real, unconditional l♥ve. back in the day being a stay at home mom sounded so unappealing to me, but now that i am one it's so perfect and natural for me. i wouldn't trade it.
so, be positive, be inspired. be in control; if you're tired of being told what to do or how to live, go chase your dream or go into business for yourself. thrive, don't just survive. make a life, not just a living. dream. live your life on purpose. and please, don't bow down to the "politically correct" (the committee of they). ultimately you are accountable to only yourSELF and the One who created you.
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are we not to be? You are a child of the Universe. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing so enlightening about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are born to manifest the glory of God within us. It's not in just some of us; it is in all of us.
Nelson Mandella (1994 Inaugural Speech)
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