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Right now, I'm just TRYING to live life with my eyes wide open and my feet planted firmly in the sand...Your Personality Is Like Cocaine
You're dynamic, brilliant, and alluring to those who don't know you.
Hyper and full of energy, you're usually the last one to leave a party.
Sometimes your sharp mind gets the better of you... you're a bit paranoid! What Drug Is Your Personality Like?
You Are an Orange Margarita
At first glance, you are very unique - but deep down you are still quite a traditionalist.
A margarita may be "too fancy" for you, but you'll never turn a free one down. What Flavor Margarita Are You?
Your Porn Star Name Is...
Jenny Jiggles What's Your Porn Star Name?
Your Kissing Purity Score: 0% Pure
For you, it's all kiss and no talk.
You're in a permanent lip lock. Kissing Purity Test
Your Power Color Is Gold
At Your Highest:
You are engrossed in passions that mentally stimulate you.
At Your Lowest:
You seek thrills and neglect what's important in your life.
In Love:
You see dating as adventure and approach it with an open attitude.
How You're Attractive:
You passion for life makes others passionate about you.
Your Eternal Question:
"Am I Having Fun?" What's Your Power Color?
You Are 76% Evil
You are very evil. And you're too evil to care.
Those who love you probably also fear you. A lot. How Evil Are You?
What Your Underwear Says About You
When you're bad, you're very bad. And when you're good, you're still trouble!
You're a closet exhibitionist who gets a thrill from being secretly naughty. The Underwear Oracle
Your Boobies' Names Are...
Yin and Yang Boobie Name Generator
Zodiac Images @ Bopmyspace.com