JUSTIN BOBBY FROM THE HILLS AND SHAANT FROM CUTE IS WHAT WE AIM FOR. I like dirty ass mother fuckers. grungy kids who look like they just crawled out of a garbage can. The few who can make being scene as fuck original. I've pretty much given up on finding someone who meets my standards. so if you think you have a chance, you dont. unless youre a large strong boy with an ego the size of texas, have full sleeves, a unique sense of style, good taste in music, good heart, and a huge set of gauges, fucking forget about it! haha.
I'm a huge Bayside fan, Anthony speaks the words I can't say. 3 I will always and have always loved these bands...the rest just come and go...CUTE IS WHAT WE AIM FOR (make fun of me i dont care, best cd hands down!!), bring me the fucking horizon, name taken, emmure, every time i die, saves the day, chiodos, the sleeping, ooooold underoath, ooooooooooooold afi, cartel, older job for a cowboy, scary kids, alkaline trio...and the list is endless. I like whatever sounds good to me, no matter the status.
Closer. Alfie.
Fuse. That 70s Show.
let me just say i absolutely love reading.
Smack, Crank, the wedding, a walk to remember, diary, THE LOVELY BONES!!!!! a href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vd3d3LnVybHNlbGYuY2
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I'm my own hero.