So, i guess this is where I try and hook you into reading more of my profile huh? Well, I'm from the Ottawa area and I've just graduated Algonquin College for Radio Broadcasting because apparently everyone says "Hey Durk-ala! You should be on the radio!" (i'm still not to sure if that means I have a good voice for it, or that I'm too damn ugly for T.V) As well, I work @ Starbucks shelling out overpriced coffee to rich bastards or teenagers who think if they drink espresso that it will make them higher on the social scale. I also spend what lil' time I have producing and djing house music, cuz we all need 2 have the new tunes out so the clubbers can dance their asses off .
I also work for Ottawa's #1 Hit Music Stations: The new HOT 89.9 and LIVE 88.5!!!! I work with the best street team on the planet and with the most amazing DJs in the city. best be checkin it out
So, if you ever want to come check me out in action, I'm usually the guy behind the DJ booth at On Tap Friday Nights and at Surface on Saturday nights. But, I'm all over the city most weeks, so check my MSN name or my Myspace page for an update on where I am.
I am also a promoter for Surface Nightclub in Ottawa, bringing in the best talent for Ottawa's afterhour nightlife. Come check out this Saturday from 1230-630AM with special guest DAVE RALPH from the UK
People with a great personality
Eyes...if you have eyes that can get me lost in yours
Bad Makeup Jobs (and you see enuf of it @ the clubs)
Clowns (which may tie up with :P)
"Seriously" you ask "What am I looking for?" Well, why don't u message me and ask?
Well, thats bout it...word to big bird
"When I was a child, I spake as a child,
I understood as a child, I thought as a child:
but when I became a man, I put away
childish things. For now we see through a
glass, darkly; but then face to face: now
I know in part; but then shall I know even
as also I am known."
--1 Corinthians 13, verse 11
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