Too many to name...Anything that is associated with the ARTS and MUSIC, luv shopping, traveling and going out with my friends.
I admire and would like to meet Oprah Winfrey, The wizard, The Docter himself After Maths mastermind himself The Doc, Docter Dre, I respect anyone who has contributed Their Art form/craft in a big way, Old and new. I've had great friends who are Legends who have made it and are succesful, some on the come up in this business about to blow, I think everyone is speacial and has something to offer no matter how small it means something. Also anyone creative who's dreams are to reach the stars, ambitous and beautiful Always room for more!, and Whoever designed the Bently, and Anyone who can build a Glass house.
I listen to everything, I am a Hip Hop Junky a real head...everything that is Hip Hop. I enjoy R&B, soul, rock, pop, retro, neo soul ect. I listen and enjoy Anything else that is music, I don't single out other styles of music. I love music period.
Too many to name I watch everything I Love movies with special effects, I also like Horrors, scienfiction, Drama, Mystery, Action thrillers, Romance, Fantasy, Comadies, Pyhcological thrillers, I really like Marvel comics, A real good old Classic; "Immitation of Life", Personal favourite; The UnderWorld, and Disney movies; "finding Nemo"..he was such a cute lil fish trying to find his way home lol
I am hardly home but when I am these are a few shows that I may check out. I like all types of Sitcoms espiacially the ones that are real funny. Reality shows: flavour of love, I love newyork, charm school, Jamie fox show, The bad boys of comedy, these shows are funny as hell. Talk shows, The Boondocks, family Guy, The Game, CNN ( Larry King Live), Girlfriends, the Parkers, Discovery, The food and home design networks, fashion television, sports, Anything, fun, interesting, or informative peeks my interest.
I read a lot of magazines like fashion magazines, and i like designer home books, I think gossip mags are hilarious....I like being creative and decorating, I like a good romance, or mystery novel, I aso like books on beauty and hair, 2 good books: Black Girl White Girl by: Joyce Carol Oates, The Coldest Winter Ever, By: Sister Soldier, I also like cook books to get new and interesting recipes, I am also a mixologist (1 of my many skills,) so I love to make all types of different drinks and wines.
God, and the 1 other person that is truly there for me he knows who he is.