music to art, Life to death, photography to astrography. to Live shows to LIve orchestras, Art in progress to the Progress of Art, The Local to the Foreign, Earth to Space, Social Structures to the Moral ABilities, Books on Astrophysics to The Guitar Grimoires, Instruments of music to instruments of construction, Computers to Mixers, Recording to Producing, Marketing without schemes to Exposure of the Purest of forms, The universe TO The Quarts in our atoms, Technology to the Classic, Reason to Logic, Glory to Honor, Anythign engineered to anything Designed. I take interest in alot of things at once beeing that i feel it all has an equation and all has a solution. Now wether i feel we'll ever attain that is another story. But My reasoning Is LIght Years Wrapped Up Around In A bundle The Size Of my heart ANd Of course... The girls.
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I like my grindcore grindcore, i like my grindcore grindcore, i like my...... GRIND CORE!! TUN tun tutu tun tun tutututututu tutu tun tun
The Creator. you know. the entity that systematically formed the mechanics of life and everythign supporting it, progressively spawning what seems an infinte structure of possibilities, all which maticulously evolved thru suspensions of time-perceptions that allowed for our greatest deception that solves in certainty our future into our past. dictated only by our very own need to survive off a star which we rotate once every so 365 days while we rotate 24/7 on an axis that allows for such wonderful things like the Jet Streams and Ocean Currents that keep us on our toes with them hurricanes. and lets not forget the tectonic plates and how theyre a result of millions of years of resurfacing. all this. on an insignificant little ball of rock and water, or so it would seem unless you lived on it.