hip hop stamp collecting basketball cards tazos i like collecting stuff basically i am like a butcher bird my room is like a magpies nest full of borrowed things from other places happy meal toys kinder surprise toys comics movies hip hop and punk rock music
a godly christian lady who believes in jesus i love african and asian girls i love polynesian and melanesian girls i want to meet a beautiful woman who loves Jesus aged somewhere between 18-30 i dont care if she is older than me or younger than me as long as she loves Jesus that is the most important thing and the second most important thing is that she has to come from african or asian cultures just because God called me to bridge the gap and be somebody that crosses cultural boundaries and i cant do that if i just duplicate my pigment so any african or asian ladies who love Jesus dont be shy drop on by you are the apple of God's eye
hip hop and punk rock music also some world music and alternative that is hard to classify or pidgeonhole i mostly like music with words but i do have some miles davis cause it helps me to think out of the box plus i love the unpredictability of jazz music there is so much freedom in jazz because it is all about improvisation and as a rapper i can relate to that cause i love freestyling but i hardly ever write down my lyrics cause it sounds better when its spontaneous also i love the fact that people from all different cultures make jazz and jazz brings people together hey well hip hop does that too but you have to respect the roots cause it came from africa and began with call and response in the jungles of ghana and then it was infused with the spicy rhythms of jamaica thank u cool herc for bringing hip hop to the states thank u afrika bambaata for pioneering the dj movement little known fact aussies created the sampler even if we only used it to sing mary had a little lamb we did it people so be proud also be proud of all african and asian and aussie rappers who be promoting the hip hop game both locally and overseas most importantly be proud of cats like arrested development shout out to speech for crossing over to mainstream and not compromising making Godly music and promoting positive images through hip hop muzak everybody peep since the last time in stores now :)
i like african american movies my favourite actor is denzel washington and halle berry im really proud of them for winning oscars i hope forrest whitaker wins this year for his mindblowingly awesome performance of idi amin ok so check out last king of scotland also man on fire that movie was the bomb denzel is a bodyguard for this mexican couple and he saves this little girls life i also like disney cartoons cause they are fun and entertaining my favourite one is proud family cause beyonce sings the theme song and its one of the few shows i know that is about a family that is both hispanic and african american oh yeah and also thats so raven cause im cravin that beautiful raven symone she is the queen of tween comedy knowwhatimsaying
my wife and kids is the bomb damon wayans is a laugh riot the girl that plays his daughter is a hot tamale i think they changed her in the middle of the show i love jessica lucas from life as we know it she is drop dead gorgeous impossibly unobtainable but never the less she is beautiful she is sassy and she is an independent woman and she can be sweet and innocent and compassionate also i wish i was in bens shoes so i could kiss her after school i guess i love life as we know it cause it brings me back to my old school days of being at school i guess back then you feel like life is full of hope and purpose and all your dreams are yet to be fulfilled and you have so much potential and expectation for what is gonna happen next
anything by maya angelou or zadie smith pearl cleage also some indian writers kiran desai salman rushdie vs naipaul i like jamaican british or indian british writers i guess cause im a pommy but also cause i like to see the world through somebody elses eyes zadie smiths books are the bomb especially on beauty those characters have stayed with me for a long time also she is very good at writing about different cultures cause she comes from a multicultural background and she should not be associated with that dumb movie candy cause she is so much better than that cheap lolita rip off check out also calvin and hobbes and boondocks comics cause boondocks are these hilarious african american cartoon characters one of them is intellectual and the other one is gangsta and there is even a multiracial character that is like an amalgamation of mariah carey so basically its got all bases covered
maya jupiter nik toth and mc trey of foreign heights for promoting aussie hip hop grits aka coffee and bone for making christian hip hop with dope rhyme skills that has crossed over into such movies as fast and furious and somethings gotta give and according to my homie moa they have also been shown at halftime hockey and baseball games in canada i love grits their music is the bomb harriet tubman is my hero for helping the slaves escape from america to canada through the underground railroad also lily allen and lady sovereign and dizzie rascal and mia for making modern uk hip hop that is popular without compromising the message also roots manuva for making me wanna boogie with intelligent rhymes also my heroes are all my homies out there on the mission field risking your lives to spread the love of Jesus worldwide you guys are the real heroes :)