Learning and Teaching, and, I'm a guy so, sports and girls. I like to read fiction and biographies about consequential people. I love to play almost any sport or game, especially on really great sunny days. Summer is my absolute favorite season. My parents live on the water, and I love the whole culture of it. I would totally love to live on the water.
Laid-back, thought-provoking people with varied interests, for variety keeps things interesting.
I really really love Bob Dylan, Ray Charles, and Willie Nelson. I also enjoy various Motown artists like Smokey Robinson and the Miracles, etc. I'm kind of a throwback to the Classic Soul days (Otis Redding, Al Green, Marvin Gaye, Aretha Franklin) I listen to the Oldies station. As for contemporary artists, I like Jason and the Vacations, David Brookings, Weezer, Beck, Foo Fighters and Mr. Clean and the Dirty Fu*kers.
Unforgiven, Blues Brothers, Godfathers, Goodfellas, Coen Bros., Coming to America, and Singin' in the frickin' Rain.
Seinfield, Simpsons, AFV
Brave New World, After Many a Summer Dies the Swan, Stranger in a Strange Land, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, On the Road, Electric Kool-aid Acid Test (or anything by Tom Wolfe), The Prisoner's Dilemna, and how about Mark Frickin Twain? I really like the most of the Classics. I think it is so interesting to read a novel set some time ago, and try to imagine what life was like. History can be very interesting with regards to the way humans and their ideas have evolved.
I look up to my entire immediate family. I know that sounds dorky but it's true. Yet, I guess I'm a peaceful man so maybe Ghandi, MLK Jr., RFK. But, mostly my Grandmother who was a teacher, and that's what I want to be.