- may i have some more sir... - good day govenar -jolley good show wot wot - I was a poor man once but then Kraft dinner and beautiful women changed me....." Alright so that has nothing to do with my interests. but it caught ur eye didnt it...eh...eh eh...? .. width="425" height="350" ..
WIERD AL YANKOVIC, AND ADAM SANDLER........and the man who dresses up as big bird .....and maybe the girl who acted as the (freaky thing) from the ring..just so i know she's not actually a zombie. I love family guy..and dramatic sketches dancing and signging...so when i found the two together!! i just..u know..did that thing..with the copying and the pasting and the ENJOY!!.. width="425" height="350" ..
Myspace Layouts
JAY AND SILENT BOB STRIKES BACK!!! nanananananan fuck fuck fuck, motha motha fuck motha fuck motha fuck noise noise noise..1,2,....1, 2, 3 smokin weed weed weed. Drinkin beers beers beers...ROLLING fatties smokin blunts, who smokes the blunts....we smokes the blunts..15 bucks little man PUT DAT SHIT IN MY HAND IF DAT MONEY DOESN'T SHOW U OWE ME OWE ME OOO my jungle loooovvee, so i forgot half of it...but thats just bein a true stoner aint it. So this is NO relative of mine.....but I just kinda like lookin at this shiny fish here...makes me want sushi REAL bad...(u too *question mark*)
well since i'm gonna be a serial killer..i don't watch tv...its just not cool..at all u sit there watching how much weight some anerexic chik lost...or how one girls actually a guy but with a vagina behind her ear. (stick man vs Tv)BOOM BOOM SMASHH...*POW* tv grows legs...kicks stick man *CRACK* stick man does wierd flippy jumping up thing....ROUND HOUSE KICK TO THE TV!!! *SMASH*!!!!! sTICK MAN Dives at TV...TV ROLLSSSS...BODY SLAMS STICK MAN!!!! *PANCKAKE*....stick man......twitches...slowly.....starts to rise....LEAPS 50 FEET IN THE AIR!!!! lands with a kudo chop for the ages!!! *FLAMING FIST OF STICK* ...Tv in giant crator......not moving.....SPITLS INTO A MILLION OTHER TVS! ....*DIDO* STick man gasps...................................*GASP* Little Tvs runs after stick man..and consume his BRAIN *SLURP* JET LI..LETS SEEE YOU DO THAT! AHAHAHAHAH
(this myspace has been pimped by THE JESS!!!)My little blurb about matt, i think matt is flipin amazin. Not just becuase he is funny, generous, and entertaining. But becuase he is always nice to everyone, and that he doesn't care what you look like or what your like he will still be nice to you even if he doesn't want to be. Also he is amazing becuase he knows where he wants to go with his life and is going to follow that dream of being a famous actor no matter where it takes him. Even if it will mean going on the bus every morning to got to Eastwood. He is always polite and i wish i could be little more like him sometimes. I really do believe that he will make it some day, not just becuase i'm his friend and am spose to say that but, i really do believe it. I don't think i have ever met a person so passionate and enthusaistic as matt is about acting or about anything else that he does. I think that nothing could crush his spirit. Even with all the things that have happened in his life he is still a great person. I believe there should be more matts in this world. (now its matt typing) so ya my friend THE JESS got a hold of my password and is trying to seduce me i guess..but ill leave it here just in case it woes anyone else into thinking im cool mwhahhajess I feel this is just one GIANT PEICE OF LOVE...so im just gonna keep it here....LOL and since this is untitled books...Ill just list the books i love in order by favourite to....*u soo are staying in the book shelf* -Cat in the Hat (DR. Seus) *plus all the rest of em..they taught me HOW TO READ! -Lord of Snow and Shadow (Sarah Ash) -Iron Tower (Sarah Ash) -ALL THE HARRY POTTER BOOKS -Song of Haiwatha (Henry Longfellow) -The Lost Prince (Bridget Wood) -ALL the lord of the rings*including the Hobbit* -All the REd wall Books (BRIAN JACQUES) -Tales of Narnia..thats right all of em -THEIF LORD -SILVERWING -SUNWING -FIREWING -AMulet of Samarkand -Golems EyeAND MANY MORRRRRRRRRRRRE *yeah*:)
Weird Alfred Yankovic of the Clan of Yankovic is some kind of hero. Squeakidy sqeak Squeaken Squeak Squeak Squeak nuts Squeaky Squeak sqeakers (The force is in your nuts young one)