Icey profile picture


I saw the end last night, it looked an awful lot like nothing new.

About Me

I have to really try so hard, not to fall in love. I have to concentrate when we kiss.


Some movies have no endings, and some movies have no begining.

This movie has neither.

My Interests


Dear ghosts, dear presences, O my dear parents,
Why were you so sad on porches, whispering?
What great melancholies were loosed among our swings!
As before a storm one hears the leaves whispering
And marks each small change in the atmosphere,
So was it then to overhear and to fear.

But all things then were oracle and secret.
Remember the night when, lost, returning, we turned back
Confused, and our headlights singled out the fox?
Our thoughts went with it then, turning and turning back
With the same terror, into the deep thicket
Beside the highway, at home in the dark thicket.

I say the wood within is the dark wood,
Or wound no torn shirt can entirely bandage,
But the sad hand returns to it in secret
Repeatedly, encouraging the bandage
To speak of that other world we might have borne,
The lost world buried before it could be born.

Burchfield describes the pinched white souls of violets
Frothing the mouth of a derelict old mine
Just as an evil August night comes down,
All umber, but for one smudge of dusky carmine.
It is the sky of a peculiar sadness—
The other side perhaps of some rare gladness.

What is it to be happy, after all? Think
Of the first small joys. Think of how our parents
Would whistle as they packed for the long summers,
Or, busy about the usual tasks of parents,
Smile down at us suddenly for some secret reason,
Or simply smile, not needing any reason.

But even in the summers we remember
The forest had its eyes, the sea its voices,
And there were roads no map would ever master,
Lost roads and moonless nights and ancient voices—
And night crept down with an awful slowness toward the water;
And there were lanterns once, doubled in the water.

Sadness has its own beauty, of course. Toward dusk,
Let us say, the river darkens and look bruised,
And we stand looking out at it through rain.
It is as if life itself were somehow bruised
And tender at this hour; and a few tears commence.
Not that they are but that they feel immense.

Donald Justice

I'd like to meet:

Alright guys it's here, At this point I have filled you in on my 4 favorite things in the world, a trip with Evan and Erin Way to the marvelous land of shmarm, what to shut the fuck up about, and when to do it, adventures in leasing, and a typical Absentee Band Practice, a brief dissertation on modern radio, and the perils that lie therein. And of course a trip through echo park on a bike called daisy. And finaly... Finnely? How the hell do you spell finaly.. Is it that? Whatever. Last of all, A brief disertation on the mating habits of mexican wrestlers

I imagine few, if any of you have read all of these. And trust me, it's your loss. I've read all of them, and they had a lot to offer the world.

Due to popular demand however, they have been added - archived if you will - In my blogs. So feel free to read, comment, and enjoy the general merriment of them.

Alright, this is getting ridiculous. I was driving down the road today, and see a group of like 4 anti-war protesters out there, getting their protest on. You know, cavorting around, getting cars to “Honk for peace.” As if every horn blow is one step closer to the impeachment process. Let me clue you people in.


I know, I know. You've still got your “Vote For Gore” Sticker proudly affixed to your bumper. And, though faded with age, it still shows all these new people hoping on your band wagon that you were never not on the band wagon. Hell, you BOUGHT the wagon! You're the wagon driver!

Man... The sheer sense of superiority that gives you must be intoxicating. I'm sure as you're shrmarming about, tossing back glasses of Perrier, and praying that no one realizes that's because you can't tell a merlot from a glass of grape juice, it's gives you a huge amount of pleasure to indicate you've ALWAYS been here. You've never changed your mind! There wasn't once you agreed with Bush! Hell, before he even said a word, you disagreed with him completely!


Oh.... Wait. That doesn't make any sense at all does it?

That's okay! SENSE BE DAMNED! RIGHT? I'm sure that even if there's one flaw in your one person fight against the POLITICAL MACHINE, that doesn't imply your whole structure will topple over! Come on! You're a EVEN MORE modern day Zach De La Rocha! You're a fucking revolutionary! As long as the camo pants are fashionably trendy, and the fighting will be done in the mean(and fashionably gay!) streets of west hollywood, YOU ARE THERE!

And after a hard night of “CLUBIN' AGAINST BUSH!” I bet you, Zach, Tony, and Patricia (Don't call her Patty!”) all got together and decided, Man! Let's get together in MONTROSE (hot bed of political intrigue that it is!), and strike a chord! Let's make this world better!

We'll make signs saying “Stop The War!” “Bush Is Terror!” “Impeach The President and bring our troops home!” Giant signs that really just say “DAMN, It's GOOD to be a democrat!”

Sure, you don't actually KNOW, any of the troops. Most of those guys didn't come to your “Fuck Me Hard! I just turned 18, and I love Pot!” parties... Actually, now that I think of it, I wasn't invited to those parties either! SON OF A BITCH! I was only invited to the “Spank me a little, 'cause I like to tease, and not follow through.” parties!

Well shit, my point may be ruined.


Whatever. We'll ignore your fantastic parties.


Damn. I bet those were really good. Was Sally there? Did she do that thing? With her... Yeah... Yeah... she did didn't she?

God damnit. Well now I have another thing to be pissed at you for, you pretentious WHORE! “Let's not invite Mike to our sweet orgy party! He's not nearly cool enough!” Pfft! WHATEVER. I stayed at home and touched myself those nights, and you know what? IT WAS WAY BETTER THEN YOU.




Deep breaths.... Deeeeeeeepppppp breeaaaaaattthhhhssss.


Anyway, I'm sure you had a great time bringing out the 4100 crayola box, and drawing the giant sign of the soldier spraying blood with the caption “Looks like you did vote for Gore in the end.”



See, but here's my problem with you people. You all seem to think Bush is behind everything going wrong in the world.

"He's an idiot! He's the worst president ever! He's destroying the modern American family by being anti-gay!"

And I don't really disagree with any of those things. Except that the american family was ruined long before bush, and I doubt it had to do with repressed sexuality.


Frank's not actually in the armed forces. But I know you want him home. So may as well ask bush!

I swear to God, Bush is the fucking SANTA CLAUS of EVIL! Is it related to evil? Bush brought it! Wanna blame something on someone? Blame Bush! Why don't you have a job!? BLAME BUSH! Wanna ask for an ICBM for Christmas? ASK BUSH! I'm sure he's selling them out of his trunk, along with “So you think your son or daughter is gay? Send 'em to camp!” pamphlets, detailing how we're going to collect them all up, and put them in nifty camps to help them concentrate! Or some such.... The wording was a trifle vague.

See, you want to have your cake, and eat it too! And EVERYONE knows you can't do that. You can HAVE the cake, sure. But NO eating it. Or, you can EAT it, but not HAVE it... It's a potAto – potato, tomAto – tomato thing.

You want Bush to be an idiot, AND have him rule the world with an iron fist! Him along with his covert action team of evil doers! Well you can't have both. Sorry.

Oh, you agree with me? Bush can't be an idiot and an evil mastermind! lemme guess, you went with "idiot". Well, That's nice.

So we're on to playing the next game show in our fine line of blame the government.

“Gotta Be Cheney!”

A FANTASTIC game of who done it, and suprise twists staring our very own vice president! POW.

Hell! Let's just walk down the republican line up! I bet the fucking bus boy in the white house is involved as well.

YEAH! That fucking prick! I totally saw him hitting on Jane the other day! Probably trying to get her to come back with him so they could DRINK HER BLOOD!

Gimme a break, Bush's popularity rating SOARED after 9..11. “Fuck with us! We'll blow you up!” was the national motto! Everyone wanted to go to war! Well, except the hippies, And YOU, But you kept your mouth shut so you could straddle the fence, and be able to rub it in later if it didn't work out, and let's be honest, the hippies are way to stoned to do anything but smoke pot and be against anything the government does. “STATE RIGHTS MAN!!!! GREEN PEACE!!! FUCK YEAH!.”... Thanks Todd.

And then comes you're real "issue", besides that you were raised in a middle class family that could only get you into the SECOND finest schools in the O.C. That issue? Spoken eloquently by moron after moron: “Yeah... Yeah... But.... Then he attacked someone else instead of that first one, and we didn't want that... So he fucked us!”

Oh SHUT, THE FUCK, UP! You can't tell one country in the middle east from the next. You just know they're all GREEN on the map, and really fucking hard to keep in RISK, unless you're using the middle east to guard the gateway to Africa. And even then it changes hand like every round.

Granted, to be honest I doubt the government veiws it that differently either. Bush's situation room probably just involves a really elaborate risk board.

“Man, if I could get a set though, I bet I could take out Saddam, get his cards, I'd have to turn in another set because I'd be above six, and I think I could take out Osama then! Man, Russia's gonna be mine!”

Either way, The only reason you're pissed, is because you know people that say you should be! And the only reason they're pissed, is because they know people that said they should be. And the only reason they're pissed, is because some actor said to be.

The logic is stupefying.

Breaking news: It's to late to just "end it" now you idiots. And I know You're the same people that came over to your friends house, ate their food, spilled their toys every where, and then called your mom to come take you home, and left the mess for someone else to deal with it.

Hey! They aren't you're toys! You were just giving him some help playing with them! Responsibility makes you break out in hives!

Bad news, We're fucked! There's no good way out of this war! We're stuck in it unless we want to completely fuck the area and withdraw. Which MIGHT actually work, but we'd have no idea 'till we did it.

It's like pulling a pin in a grenade to see if it's live.

But you'd probably do that.

You seem like the type.

Good news though! Every person that sees your fucking bumper sticker and gives you a thumbs up WISHES they were as cool as you! You could form a club! A totally... Totally sweet “Man we're cool.” club involving non violent protests while waiting to get into the beauty bar.

Yep... You're changing the world, one drunk gay guy at a time.

Thank you.

Thank you so much.


These Are My Bands

The Absentee - Bass

Flashing Red Lights - Lap Steel, Guitar, Bass, Banjo

The Ghost Kings - Guitar, Bass, Vox, Lap Steele, Banjo

Matchstick Studies - All of the above, and more.

These are the people I love more than anything else in the world.

Flashing Red Lights, Day Of Lions, The Parson Redheads, Darci Cash, The Hanks,

This is everything Else.


Your Home Video Collection.

And interactive movie commentary. Hosted by J and I at a theatre near you. We're fucking famous bitches.


Directions on how to produce nothing for hours at a time enclosed there-in. However I do give a respectful nod to TIVO for it's contribution to the tele-vistic experiance.


a And a billion other's I just can't remember in the HEAT of the moment.


All The Artists on Yukon Records ( - Flashing Red Lights aka Mack Slevin (Who shares with Max the ability to make me break into a thousand pieces, and water the ground) Best Boy Electric aka Ben Welch (Who has the daunting task at this point of making me believe), Max Baybak (Who shares with Mack the ability to make me break into a thousand pieces, and water the ground), Day Of Lions aka Gena Gestaldi (who is the best female performer in the fucking world), Luxery Edition aka Jason Wrightsman and Zach Shrock, The Parson Red Heads Thom Parsons, Evan Parsons, Charlie Parsons, Erin Parsons, Brett Parsons (Who make me believe that the world is a good place) And of course outside of my Yukon Family: The Hanks (Bryan, Josh, Phil and Shane) And Michelle F., who inspires in every artistic avenue I want to persue, and makes me believe in the beauty and power of art. These people inspire me everyday in every possible way, and it's because of them that I'm writing music. I would put everything on the line anytime for you guys.
And of course the above and beyond award goes to my parents. Anyone that could stand me for 24 years should get some sort of prize, and so far being listed on myspace as my heroes is all they're getting.... Ahhh well.

My Blog

A Trip Through Echo Park On A Bike Called Destiny.

Okay, At this point I have filled you in on my 4 favorite things in the world, a trip with Evan and Erin Way to the marvelous land of shmarm, what to shut the fuck up about, and when to do it, adventu...
Posted by Icey on Wed, 12 Jul 2006 04:00:00 PST

The Perils Of Modern Radio.

Onwards we go on this magical mystery tour! This ones dedicated to Mack, because he's the wind beneath my feet, and Sarah, because she called me a fag....Those things are unrelated.Now in the past I h...
Posted by Icey on Wed, 12 Jul 2006 03:59:00 PST

A Typical Absentee Band Practice.

First Thing: I'm going to go through a 90's flashback period for the music on my profile. Should be hot. Hit me up if you have sex after you listen to it. I'll turn you down 'cause I'm dead inside. Bu...
Posted by Icey on Wed, 12 Jul 2006 03:58:00 PST

The Leasing of the Mov.

First I guess let's start with some back history. Leasing was invented by Myself, Jason Wrightsman (aka: The funny one), C. Ro (aka: the bearded one), and Chelsea Williams (aka: The one with all the v...
Posted by Icey on Wed, 12 Jul 2006 03:57:00 PST

A Trip To The Magical Land Of Shmarm.

In this episode, I, along Evan And Erin Way To Cool For Their Wwn Goods, take a little trip down to the Echo to catch a little of montreal (cred ++) This should be a magical episode, filled with ...
Posted by Icey on Wed, 12 Jul 2006 03:56:00 PST

My Four Favorite Things In The World.

So onwards we go! At this point I feel it only relevent to fill you in on my four favorite things in the world. From this point on abreviated as "My 4 favorite things in the world" these are the thing...
Posted by Icey on Wed, 12 Jul 2006 03:51:00 PST

Untitled 2

Well you were the sweetest thing I'd ever seen walk through that door. Dressed in money, but bleeding honey, and humming Ava Adore. And though I'd never thought I'd liked that song before, well sudden...
Posted by Icey on Wed, 19 Apr 2006 01:08:00 PST

Untitled (Statistics Represent)

It's funny how they seemed so full, All those clouds that built above my roof, and blocked out the morning sun, just to burn up by the afternoon.  I wish I could be there, when you read this at l...
Posted by Icey on Wed, 19 Apr 2006 01:06:00 PST

What we leave behind. (Plot Lines Emerge)

Well I drove by your house last night, trying to see, if my memories of it were still right. Oh and I took out my guitar, to see if they would translate into song. Those pictures of when we were young...
Posted by Icey on Wed, 19 Apr 2006 01:05:00 PST

Prayers Are Down for the count.

Your hands are up but your faces downyou thought you'd planned this one so wellbut it seems that nothings panning out this time aroundYou'd thought that those cracks would just fill upIf you ign...
Posted by Icey on Fri, 03 Feb 2006 05:05:00 PST