Everything interests me....
"the rarest and the most courageous of the virtues, is seldom distinguished from neglect, the laziest and most common of the vices" - george bernard shaw
excerpt from evan wrights "generation kill" :
They are kids raised on hip-hop, Marilyn Manson and Jerry Springer. For them, "motherfucker" is a term of endearment. For some, slain rapper Tupac is an American patriot whose writings are better known than the speeches of Abraham Lincoln. There are tough guys among them who pray to Buddha and quote Eastern philosophies and New Age precepts gleaned from watching Oprah and old kung fu movies. There are former gangbangers, a sprinkling of born-again Christians and quite a few guys who before entering the Corps were daily dope smokers; many of them dream of the day when they get out and are once again united with their beloved bud.
These young men represent what is more or less America's first generation of disposable children. More than half of the guys in the platoon come from broken homes and were raised by absentee, single, working parents. Many are on more intimate terms with video games, reality TV shows and Internet porn than they are with their own parents. Before the "War on Terrorism" began, not a whole lot was expected of this generation other than the hope that those in it would squeak through high school without pulling too many more mass shootings in the manner of Columbine.
They are the first generation of young Americans since Vietnam to be sent into an open-ended conflict. Yet if the dominant mythology that war turns on a generation's loss of innocence-young men reared on Davy Crockett waking up to their government's deceits while fighting in Southeast Asian jungles; the nation falling from the grace of Camelot to the shame of Watergate-these young men entered Iraq predisposed toward the idea that the Big Lie is as central to American governance as taxation. This is, after all, the generation that first learned of the significance of the presidency not through an inspiring speech at the Berlin Wall but through a national obsession with semen stains and a White House blow job. Even though their Commander in Chief tells them they are fighting today in Iraq to protect American freedom, few would be shaken to discover that they might actually be leading a grab for oil. In a way, they almost expect to be lied to.
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i can't say i'd like to meet anyone. how about the biggest ball of twine in minnesota? do inanimate objects count? sure bet it have a lot to say.
hmm.. blue dots.. PROOF HUMANITY IS SCREWED!!J-5, Radiohead, Suck It, On, Soul Coughing, Cracker, HowAboutNo, R.E.M., The Vandals, Rage Against the Machine, Megadeath, Beethoven, Aretha Franklin, Pixies, doors, Sade, Sublime, Faith No More, Cake, and a bunch more.
Shit. Army of Darkness,Mimic,StarWars, Something About Mary,Interview with a Vampire,The Fugitive, Frantic,Trainspotting,Die Hard,Jurrasic Park,The Prophecy,Philadelphia,Tremors,Empire Strikes Back,Bound,As Good As It Gets,Rocky Horror, Hackers,Tommy Boy,Great Expectations,L.A. Confidential,The Crow,The Paper,Ronin,Election, Matrix,Reloaded,Revolutions,American Beauty,Fight Club,Three Kings,Being John Malkovich,Final Fantasy,Rushmore,Royal,Seven,Almost Famous,About A Boy,Unbreakable,High Fidelity, Jimmy Neutron,Ghost World,Lord Of The Rings Trilogy,Requiem For A Dream, Donnie Darko,8- Mile,28 Days Later,Old School,School Of Rock,Kill Bill,Lost In Translation,The Conversation,Bowling For Columbine,Adaptation,Count Of Monte Cristo,Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon,O Brother Where Art Thou,Spy Kids,Memento,In America, Shawshank Redemption, Cable Guy, Ghost Busters,South Park, Bigger, Longer, & Uncut, Orgazmo, Monty Python And The Holy Grail, Indianna Jones Trilogy, Event Horizon, E.T., The Lost Boys, Thrity Nine Steps, The Ring, Candyman, The Dark Crystal, a ton more.
the light box hasn't enchanted me with it's mystical powers....
I'm a nonfiction freak. Decent Interval by Frank Snepp, A Peoples History Of The United States by Howard Zinn, Wealth And Democracy A Political History Of The American Rich by Kevin Phillips, Brave Men by Ernie Pyle, IBM And The Holocaust by Edwin Black, The Wild Blue by Stephen E. Ambrose Fiction- The Stand by Stephen King, Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell, Brave New World by Aldous Huxley... a bunch more.
There are many people I admire, few are celebrities.