♥TwiztedBarbie♥ profile picture


If time flew like a dove....

About Me

I love my friends
They're the family I never knew I had..

I love being social, I love the friends I have. This year I've been working at finishing school, planning future degrees, getting healthier body & mind, changing my financial status, over all finding things to make me happy and to grow in to this me I've been discovering layer by layer I peel off shadows of the past and find a new me.
I've gone through a lot of hard blows in the last few years, the hardest loosing my father. I've become more greatful for the people in my life and will always carry the lesson I've learned from the past.
Live it up, Live it loud, Don't be scared, Laugh, Dance, Sing, Don't give a FUCK what others think. There will always be problem starters. Leave them in the dust!
.."http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vcGhvdG9idWNrZXQuY29t" target="_blank".."http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vcGhvdG 9idWNrZXQuY29t" target="_blank"

My Interests

I enjoy many things: Scikotics (Our Car Club), Hair Dye, Nail Polish, Eye shadow and liner, Fireworks, Concerts, Musicals, Plays, Going to clubs or bars [I Heart Metro Retro & The Church],Fishing, Shooting the HNK, Camping, Swimming, Walking, Biking, Singing, Karaoke, College, Nature [Mountains, Lakes, Ocean, county], Partying, Family Gatherings, ROAD TRIPS!, Bubble baths, Cruises, Car Shows, Getting caught in the rain :) lol or drunk in water fountains, Movies, Music, Tattoos, Piercings, Laying out, Boating, The lake house, Digital Imaging, Oil Painting, Designing, Studying people (I'm going in to Psych)

I'd like to meet:

Nice, Motivated, Happy people.. No Drama Starters, Liars, Backstabbers, Drug addicts, or Thieves!!

And just a note I'm not on here to be a number in anyones account, thats dumb! SO if you add me you better message me, cause I DENY anyone I DON'T know, Sorry! And I'm in a relationship of almost 5 years, I'm not single..

.."http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vcGhvdG9idWNrZXQuY29t" target="_blank"


Get to know me...
Single or Taken? Taken, I've been with David for 5 years
Plans for career or college? In college now, Plan to get Bach. Degree in Psych or do teaching...
Favorite Bands? Marylin Mansion, Flyleaf, Incubus, 311, Metalica, Ozzy, Avril Lavigne, ah the list could go on and on...
Any Tattoos? One on the back of my neck of a crusifix
Any Peircings? Nose, two on each ear (Second hole stretched to a belly button size)
Kids or no Kids? Not yet but some day!
Hardest thing you went through? My father passing nad my ar wreak, THAT DUMB BITCH :)
Goals? Loose another 30 pounds, Finish school
Pets? 1 Cat - Axle (Russian Blue), 1 Dog - Grrr (Shizu)
Favorite Bars or Clubs? Beagle, Metro Retro, Velvet Hookah, Glorias (a Resturant go get a GM margarita, you'll understand)
Hobbies? Car club - Scikotics, Painting, Photography, Digital Editing, Blowing bubbles, Getting drunk at the harbor and getting in the fountain, Dancing
Favorite non-alcoholic drink? Crushed ice and water :)
Favorite Drink for partying? Cranberry voka sour, Long island ice tea (these are my tops)
One of your favorite things to do? Travel
In 5 years I wann be....... I wanna be healthier, married, traveling :)
Two of your Favorite movies? Grandma's Boy, Devil's Rejects
Sleep wear? Boxers and Band T-shirt
Favorite type of shoes? Flip Flops




Trick my truck, Girls next door, Top Model, Ghost Hunters, Dog Bounty Hunter, The Colbert Report, Kings or Queens, Everybody loves Raymond, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Sarah Silverman Show, WWF SmackDOWN :)




My mom is my biggest hero but I have a lot of great role models and hero's in my life.

My Blog

Eh.. I need sleep fo sho....

Well today at work was actually kinda busy and one of my co-workers is going thugh a really rough time, my heart goes out to her. Then I go home to mom's to clean up since I got gross from helping in...
Posted by ♥TwiztedBarbie♥ on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 03:05:00 PST

Hair Advice Please :)

So I'm torn a bit, So I think I'll let y'all help. I'm thinking of just getting my hair trimmed every few months and not dying my hair, cause I've been dying my hair since I was 10, so 12 years of not...
Posted by ♥TwiztedBarbie♥ on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 11:21:00 PST

Im Selling: set 16" Konigs w/ Pirelli Tires

I spent alot of these but they were for David's old car, his new one isn't compatable and neither is it with my Saturn. I'm looking for $400 a for the Rims & Tire Set.Hit me on here or call if you...
Posted by ♥TwiztedBarbie♥ on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 10:04:00 PST

"Nigga Why you holla’ren we in a resturant" - Cat Williams

So I'm sure I'm not the only one who is happy that this nice weather is here. :)I hope it comes on a day when I'm not working lol So I can go walking in it. I droped a class I didn't need, so now I ha...
Posted by ♥TwiztedBarbie♥ on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 11:42:00 PST

I was so wet last night!

Yesterday was alot of fun we went to the NASCAR Charity Laps, Sadly not alot people showed, But the OK CREW came which was awesome. After that we went to Glorias on the Harbor and had GM Margaritas. I...
Posted by ♥TwiztedBarbie♥ on Sun, 09 Sep 2007 01:08:00 PST

Where’d the 3 go? What 3? (inside joke) lol Muah!

Well work is going pretty go today. we were technically really slow the first 4 hours, I have to head back soon. Man I don't want to. I haven't been feeling so great. I have some multi-vitamins that I...
Posted by ♥TwiztedBarbie♥ on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 12:12:00 PST

I’m ready for the smell of fall :)

I feel Blah today.. Thats not fun.Work is just a little ackward, Some issues that just naw at me. I really love most of the people I work with. I've got so much reading to do for class. I have to read...
Posted by ♥TwiztedBarbie♥ on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 11:58:00 PST

Fat China!!! ;)

So how are y'all? I hope fine. I've been very busy lately. Car club stuff, David got another award, He bought me three new nose rings, Him and arron blind folded us and took us to the magic time machi...
Posted by ♥TwiztedBarbie♥ on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 12:01:00 PST