You Think You Know...
I think my left eye looks funny when I look reeeeal close in the mirror. My nose is too big . Oh, and I hate the way my tummy looks. I'm not from Michigan. I'm not sure where home is anymore because I've moved A LOT. I have two beautiful girls and one handsome little boy! :♥: I have tattoos and piercings and plan to get more as soon as I have $$$ . I'm shy to meet people neighbors. I suck at returning phone calls. I always have about 10 loads of laundry to do. I change my hair color a lot. I'm a Navy Veteran . I watch MTV Jams. I have a kitten named Daisy. I have a dog named Buster, he's a boston terrier. I also have a big ass salt water fish tank. I have most of the characters from Finding Nemo swimming around in it too. If my long lost rich uncle is reading this...I've been looking for YOU! Please send me some money! ♥♥♥Don't Piss Me Off
♥♥ I'm married to the man of my dreams! ♥ I love my husband with all my heart and soul. ♥ I'm NOT lookin for love on MySpace!. :♥:[LIKES] :) Beaches, html/css web design, cartoons, kids, cooking deserts, decorating, pink, shopping, fake nails, dark chocolate, all kinds of music, scary movies, MySpace, email, taking pictures, and MORE! :♥:
[DON'T LIKES] :( Driving, working, cleaning, ppl who state in their profiles "don't leave me lame comments", ppl talking down to me like I'm stupid, being far away from my family.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥