Rae Rae profile picture

Rae Rae

When the Going Gets Tuff, the Tuff Get Going

About Me

To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides
Random Stuff About Me
The only sport I play is foosball
I often wonder what toenails are made of
Men who smell good make my world go round
The word appropriate makes me want to puke
If youre a republican: chances are we wont get along
I believe in Karma and Reincarnation
Sometimes i snort when i laugh
I will suck dick for chocolate
If you cared....you would be ON TIME !
I dislike hickups (more than your Adveradge Joe)
Refuseing a handshake dosnt make you look cool, ass hole
The sloth bare is the sexist animal alive (all bow down to them)
Spelling is my HUGE weaknes
I dance likea hoe and you LOVE IT
I dance likea retard and you LOVE THAT TOO
My friends have to chase me with a razor before i shave
Sour cream is like butter to a taco salad
I Love feeding the ducks at Martha Lake
Im a very helthy person when im not around my girl friends
(Nikki's House)
I am a calm person untill you leave the cap off the toothpaste
****** PIE
The only dance I can do is the Macarena
I cant stand crybaby's
Wearing shoes outside is overrated
I got my curves from my mommy
Ashley Is EMO
If I could breathe nachos I would
I hate being short
I hate to hate things
And I hate when I hate that I hate things.

Im Like a Crayon:The More Pressure You Put On Me, The Brighter And Bolder I Stick To The Paper
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !
The 8 Coolest People Ever
Rae has 100 friends
Best Friend Nikki
Ashley Kelly
My Puppy Harvey
Nikki's Mom
See them all
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My Interests

My Daylie Planer-(its my baby),Vanilla incense, Writing poems, Victoria's Secret, The green M&M, My puppy, Diet coke, Starburst, Salad, Danceing stupid, Camomeal tea, Mr. T, being creative, SEATTLE, Camping, Deep conversation, Texting, Apples, Skiing, The birds and the BeBubble, Mad magazine, Roses, Candles, Baths, Value Village, CARBS, Charcoal drawings, Doritos, Ska Boys, Ripe Froot, Drinking with friends, Boys with Lip rings, Los Angles, Flirting, Orbit cinnamon gum, Fooseball, Gene juarez, Fairies, Makeing Fun Of Emo's, Studio seven, The Kaz-ba, Protein, Starbucks, Hair dye, My Bass (even though i really suck), Pike place market, Spelling (yeah right), City busses, Bright colors, Calenders, Fun patterns, Crazy make-up, Planting, Skittles, Puget Sound, Cleaning, Organizing, NAIL POLISH, Beines, Swimming, The university district, Sea Food, Making fun of Republicans, ect...


The Magic Numbers
Velvet revolver
Blind Melon
Green day
Dashbord Confeshonal (fuck you nikki!)
Red hot chili peppers
Blink 182 (dont make fun of me)

System Of a Down
Black Sabbath
Marilyn Manson
Three Days Grace
In Flames
A perfect circle
Linkin Park
Smile empty soul
Rob Zombie
Into Eternity

Alice In Chains
Perl Jam
Audio Slave
Mud Honey

The bee G's
The Beatels
Led Zepplin
Pink Floyd
John Lennon
Bob Marley
Jimi Hendrix
Simon & Garfunkel
Creedence Clearwater
Ottis Redding
Nat King cole
Ray Charles

Insane clown posse
Mc Hammer
Snoop Dog
Will Smith
Beastie Boys
50 cent
Kaneye West

Reel big fish
The Push
Catch 22
The Presidents of the United States of America
The number one dads
The georgetown orbits
Natalle Wouldn't

Backstreet Boys
Birttney Spears
Cristina Agulara
John Mayer
Celine Dion

The Dresden Dolls
Flogging Molly
Benny Goodman
Frank Sinatra
The Grease Soundtrack


Rocky Horror Picture Show, Psyhco, Monty python and the holy grail, All the preident's men, Matrix, Desperado, Thirteen, Phantom of the opera, Animal House, The princes Bride, Butterfly Effect, October sky, Cry baby, Stand by me, Victor victoria, Whyanes world, The Breakfast club. Dirty Dancing, Not another teen movie, Spider man 1 and 2, Cool hand luke, Austen Powers 1 and 2, Scary movie 3, Constantine, Sin City, Reservoir dogs, The shinning, The girl next door, Edward scisor hands, Farenheight 911, Bowling for columbine, Roger and me, Kill bill vol.1 and vol.2, War of the worlds, The Blues Brothers, Sent of a woman, The punisher, THE FUCKING RINGER, longest yard, house of wax (paris hilton dies. YOU MOTHER FUCKER!)ect...


Your mom's porno! (ooooo dissss), GRAY'S ANATOMY, Pimp my ride, Headbangers ball, Simpson's, Howard Stern, Mad t.v, PlayBoy, America’s next top model, Family guy, SNL, Monk (just kiding), Good morning America, The daily show, Jerry Springer, Komo 4 news, ect…


One fish two fish red fish blue fish, Sam and the firefly, The cat in the hat, Green eggs and ham, Go dog go, Are you my mother? Hop on pop, Fat Kid Rules The World, PlayBoy, The outsiders, Stargirl, All the president's men, Every Shell Silverstein, Of Mice and Men, Complete book of witchcraft, MAN's SEARCH FOR MEANING !! Kurt Cobain's journals, ect..

My Blog

Christmas Wish List

Gifts For Rachel?Here are some ideas:Diet CokeThink: Victoria's Secret OrStarbucks.Any thing fucky or strangeAnything shiney or sparkely (coff coff dimond coff)ChocolateMake-upPerfume or lotionBath St...
Posted by Raé Raé on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 05:33:00 PST

Poem About Socks

SocksBy Rachel BurnsI havent decided If its laziness or I just dont careBut my socks have never matchedFunky?One red, one blueOne old, one newThe feeling of The spontaneous rainbowOn my feetThe feelin...
Posted by Raé Raé on Wed, 16 Aug 2006 01:00:00 PST

Ladys and Gentelmen...a poem by Rachel Burns "Fuck The Governmet (Bush especially) "

Broadway in the White HouseBy Rachel BurnsDance a wacky Politician danceAnd we will clap our hands to the beatBoogie down toThe American flagSnap your fingers, stomp your feetBelt outYour patriotic s...
Posted by Raé Raé on Thu, 20 Jul 2006 10:31:00 PST

My sluty RedSox pix (thank you Kevin!)

Also.....the pix from when marissa and i went to the park!!My wonderful photographyAgainBeautiful....Not so muchThe tree had it coming...it was hard (i named him Wood)......ok. ill stopI wanna be a ph...
Posted by Raé Raé on Mon, 13 Feb 2006 05:33:00 PST

My Friends and i Are Outa Control

Saturday January 14th Zoo: My BEST friend Nikki and i decide to go to the ZOO! In the dead of winter in the rain Crazy? It's likely........ We call this "Home Alone".....with an extra MONKEY My ...
Posted by Raé Raé on Mon, 16 Jan 2006 11:51:00 PST

The weekend of a lifetime

This is the best weekend of my life November 4 - 6, 2005 The Dance (The first school dance of the year, and it was a BLAST!) Trista and Marissa grinding! Sweat, Dance, Crowded, .......Lovein i...
Posted by Raé Raé on Mon, 07 Nov 2005 09:19:00 PST


Nikki and i took Mr. Spock AROUND THE WORLD! (our school) ME and SPOCK.........stoping to talk in the hallway He was haveing girl problems......you gotta help a brother out! SPOCK and i : best f...
Posted by Raé Raé on Sat, 17 Sep 2005 08:27:00 PST


Mom and i ROCKIN' out before ozzfest!    mom and i are badass! It was mom's first concert...........she was excited :)....lol......she didnt understand the difference between the "i love...
Posted by Raé Raé on Wed, 31 Aug 2005 02:48:00 PST

Pictures from cali

These are the adventures of my vaction to california.... We had to take a tram to get from out hotel to disneyland Jenny saw scary monsters! I wanted to "fit-in" with the locals.... So did je...
Posted by Raé Raé on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Poem i just wrote! Yay!

Blossoming with obsession, The taste of lilac lips, Desire filled confession, To the movement of your hips, Singing with raw flesh, Forceful flow, Until bodies mesh, Swept up in the undertow, ...
Posted by Raé Raé on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST