FULLNAME: ma. monique icasiano guadalupe
NICKNAME: nix,niquee
AGE : 16y/o
BIRTHDAY: 10/30/89
HEIGHT: 5’3â€
WEIGHT: 104lbs.
HAIRcolor: black
Hairlength: long passing the shouldrs
BODYtype: slim
EYEcolor : brown
STATUS : straight single
LEFTorRIGHThanded: right handed
MIXEDraceINyourBLOOD: 70% Filipino, 20%Spanish,10%chinese
FEAREDtheMOST Pain: having stitches
FOODyouLIKEtheBEST: Italian foods
FAVORITErestaurant: pizzahut,kfc,barrio fiesta
Myweakness: friends and favors
MOSToverusedPHRASE/WORD: ‘corny mo,stir!’
WHATyouDRINKtheMOST: icetea,frap
BEDtime: 2am/3am
WHEREyouUSUALLYhangOUT: alabang
WHEREyouUSUALLYgoAFTERhangingOUT: strbcks or seattles
DOyouSMOKE : nope
DOyouDRINK: nope
EVERbeenDRUNK :nope
EVERbeenINLOVE: yup…*sniff*
DOyouWANTtoGETmarried: yup
AREyouAparent: no
AREyouTHEnoisyORtheSILENTtype: it depends..
DOyouALWAYSgetWHATyouWANT: unfortunately….NO..
DOyouTHINKyourATTRACTIVE: I dunno..hihi..*wink*
FavoritePET/animal: my persian cat
SPORTS: volleyball,swimming
FRIENDLYorSNOBBISH: a friendly snob [do you get it?]
TATOOSinTHEbody: none
PIERCINGSanywhere: yup
DoyouGOmalling: yup (Just recently!)
LASTplaceVISITEDoutOFtown: puerto galera
AtexterORaCALLER: both..
ITEMSyouUSUALLYhaveWITHyou: sanitizer,hanky,lip balm,wallet,celfone
DOyouHAVEaCAR: thot of havin it nxt yir..hmm..but I don’t thnk so..
DOyouHAVEyourOWNplace: hehe…sort of..
STILLstudyORyouWORKalready: study..argh!
WHAT'SyourHIGHschool: holy spirit academy..
WHAT'SyourWORk: im a bum..[hihi..]
YOURsounds: altrntive rock,reggae
YOUaFASHIONISTA: hmm..watyatink??…hehe..
WHATdoYOUloveABOUTtheOTHERsex: evrything
FESTISHofYOURS: how well thy carry their selves,..
Pepsi or Coke: coke
McDonalds or BurgerKing: mcdonalds
Strawberry or Watermelon: strawberry
Hot tea or Ice tea: ice tea
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: coffee
Kiss or Hug: hug
Dog or Cat: cat
Rap or Punk: punk
Summer or Winter: winter
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: scary
Love or Money: love
AGEgap: stil thinking bout it..
HEIGHT: taller than me..
WEIGHT: fit with their height
FRAME : fit with their weight
HAIRcolor: black
HAIRlength: it depends..
SKINcolor : any..fair complexon I guess..
EYEcolor: any
PEIRCINGSanywhere: hmm..
TATOOS: hmm…
CANthatPERSONsmoke: no
CANthatPERSONdrink: myb
CANthatPERSONtakeDRUGS: hell no…
YOURline: don't try to fit in when your born to stand out...
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finding nemo, , incredbles, , herbie, , kingkong, , exorcsm of emily rose, , house of wax, , wata gurl wants, , ms.cngniality, , princess diaries, , sisterhud of trvellng pants, , maid in manhttn, , little manhttn, , in her shoes, , 50 frst dates, , d ntbk, , u got servd, , 2fast2furious, , torque, , longest yard, , bruce almighty, , flyt plan, , kingkong, , ultraviolet, , xmeniii, , scary movieS, , m:i:iii...
hey arnold[nick]... ed, edd and eddy.. myx.. mtv..punkd..oprah...laguna beach..grey's anatomy..the o.c..
who stole my magic?,tuesdays with morrie,vince's life.....
grandfather... I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!