Music, Writing, History novels, Chic Lit, Korean Movies, movie marathons, kitties, big bears, coffee, beaches, white fluffy clouds, terrains and mountains, people-watching, interesting conversations, comfortable silence...
Classical, esp. Pachelbel Canon in D (Longtimers Suite version), Meditation from Thais, Bach's Prelude in C Minor, Vivaldi's Cello Suite and Four Seasons; Christian Contemporary like Sonicflood, Third Day, Charlie Hall, Fusebox, David Crowder Band, Kutless, Jadon Lavik, Jars of Clay, Mark Schultz, Shawn McDonald and Switchfoot; Piano
The Cure, The Client, Ten Things I Hate About You, Love Actually, Trainspotting, All About Dogs (Say, Marimo)
All CSI series, Entourage, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, Sex and the City, Smallville, cooking, baking and decorating shows in the lifestyle network,
J.D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye, All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten, Harry Potter Series, Prince of Tides, Nicholas Sparks novels, The Five People You Meet in Heaven, Tuesdays with Morrie (genuinely a tear-jerker!), Paolo Coelho's Eleven Minutes, Bob Ong's 'masterpieces' (hehe), Beijing Doll, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn