lost somewhere between the 15 fwy and the 5 fwy ..
no music preference here... (please don't send ask to add me random bands...okay thanks!)
Sleeper Bugsy Berkeley musicals Ikiru In the Mood for Love BreakinRashômon Princess Bride
Television cable wire isn't long enough to reach wall socket! So right now all I have access to is some White tv noise...
The Little Prince,The Metamorphosis,The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Kitchen by Banana Yoshimoto, Edward Gory, and Krishnamurti (it helps me get through the day),... Oh and roomie lend me a great book called All My Friends Are Super HereosLayout made by violini at CreateBlog.com .
My parents, my mentor Corny Cole, Fred Rogers (aka Mr. Rogers), Anpanman