my name is nick zaglaras
I go to sleep at 3am and wake up at 6am everyday. I listen to music like a crackhead does cocaine. I like the color green because it reminds me of traffic lights that say go. I don't eat becasue I'm never hungry. Sometimes I drive down a street I've never been down before just to get lost. Structure is only good in moderation. I live life without a structure. School brainwashes you into thinking that a person can be better than you. "If you like school then you'll love work." I fear having a loveless, lifeless montony life more than I fear taking risks, and being cold, hungry, or in danger. I welcome change. Change proves that you are alive. I'd rather live my life alive than live my life dead. I play my guitar till my fingers can't move. Me and my friends yell "WHOO" to people who are walking, while we're driving and think its hilarious. My mind is too curious for its own good. I state things that are obvious alot like, "that building is made of wood" or "the ground is very hard". I hate clouds. I love rain. I'm going to leave this country and travel everywhere and learn everything. About 8% of Americans own passports (scumbags). I never wish for things because wishing only wishes and thats it. I read like crazy. Kidcrash is the best band ever. Kaki King is the best songwriter ever. Non-talkers bore me. This summer better be awesome or else I'm gonna jump off my roof again? People who don't pick up their phone piss me off. I'm never bored. I like to meet new people and chances are I want to meet you. ;P
PS: the reason my myspace is a music myspace is becasue myspace one day decided to make it a music myspace out of nowhere. IT SUCKS BALLS