well....anime, manga, animals, hanging out with friends, writing stories, reading, and lots more. ^_^
Any one that's looking fer friends! Or any one that wants to chat about animal, anime or manga.
J-Pop is good, so is Country, and Rock. Well okey I like it all cept Rap, I don't really like Rap all that much.
Well....Aladdin, A Knights Tale, Chronicles of Riddick, Pitch Black, Phantom of the Opera, InuYasha movie 1, InuYasha movie 2, InuYasha movie 3, Cardcaptor movie 1, Bend it like Beckham, Titan A.E, The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, The Chronicles of Narnia....oh goodness and many many more.
ok...Cardcaptors, InuYasha, Just for Laughs, Naruto, and Supernatural is about it.
Oh god sooo many....Well....Psychic Academy, Jing:King of Bandits,Fruits BAsket...well manga any manga. Then theres almost any fantasy book.
My riding instructor, she's wicked, and other people