Make your own Slideshow View all photos Yes yes!!,Im Daddy Genius, One of the founders and Dj's for the mighty COMMISSION SOUNDS, PLease check the website for exclusive mixs and tunes produced by the crew!!..Also check out the commission show on PERCEPTION 102.4 fm Every saturday 2200 - 0000..Well, Where do i start?!, Lets start with my mixing style, Only one word for that....FUEGO!!!!!, People who tune into the weekly show on PERCEPTION FM will know what im talking about!, I'll try to explain, Its bringing the fire, Going for maxium damage with the mix, Always techincal and causes a bassface!, Its all about enjoying the set, If im not enjoying it who else will!!....Ive been blessed enough to play for some big promotors in the last few years, These include RAINDANCE and BREAKIN SCIENCE, more of these to come, keep watching this space!I run alongside Dj Swiss "COMMISSION SOUNDS" which is a band of brothers who are at the top of their game in dj'ing, producing and mc'ing..Its not a crew, ITS A FAMILY!! all united in there love of all things BASS!!..Myself, Swiss and T_! bashed heads early 07 and STINK LIKE SOCK was born! SOme time was passing and we felt like we were getting over looked, We needed to draw more attention to the FUEGO STYLE so Stink like Sock was created, A place where the squad could get together and rinse out the different sounds of the squad! Not sure if Ravers would come to the Party we have been overwhelmed with the response! Ravers from all over in all shapes and sizes come to witness something special! Drawing on decades of raving experince we have tried to recreate the lost parties of when the music, vibes and fun were more important than image...Well thats me, Just a hard working fella who likes making people have a dance and laugh!..BIG UPS TO... My Bro DJ SWISS - My brother from another mother Sully Skillz - My Queen Ms Cheeks, For opening my eyes to Dubstep T!Big ups to the Commission Squad, Swiss, Sully Skills, T_! (FUEGO!!), Devastator, Blazer, YT, Sabre, Mofo, Eddspin, Pmc, The Wags..Right, woffle over!, i think that covers everything, Well that doestnt really cover anything, The history etc but fuck it, i hate typing these things! Hopefully i dont sound to up my arse!Peace******DOWNLOAD THIS MIX!!!!!*********
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