I got lots of interests,,,,,,erm enjoy music like we all do, also enjoy letting my man out with competing in the glorious game of football. Play the drums but has taken backseat at the moment till i sort everything out. Have a super terrific girlfriend to enjoy time with and love the cinema although the seats don't help my back. _a a
Everybody :D
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All music is good, old and new! Never can beat classics, Many try to be classic but dont stay long enough..Anything that sounds together is good.
AWW Movies!Back to the Future Triology Rocky 1-4 Ver ver good but 5th one...OH OH Beverly Hills Cop 1 2 and 3 Tom Hanks is very goooood but don't everyone think that.. Snake eyes is a good film, Soldier,Any old horror movie worth a good chuckle to... Jim Carrey good to laugh at when he gets some good roles to work with.a
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
Love reading books on how people cheat at gambling and the smart ways in which people diddle vegas! Like biographies aswell, currently reading a book on a lifer prison football team. Turns out there scared of the teams that come to play them in prison, hows that figure. Just finished the biography of Amarillo Slim Preston quoted "The Greatest Gambler That Ever Lived" he played table tennis with coke bottles and beat the champ. Clever man...
Stuart Pearce just for being a proper guy...