Videogames, Movies (netflix woo), computers and technology in general, music
My heros, People whom i have things in common with, new friends, interesting individuals...
Trance, Dance, Rock, 90's, 80's, 70's (the good part of it), um...My fave Group is Garbage second is Benassi Bros, but i also enjoy Ace of base, 90's no doubt, Sweetbox. Love video game music as well.
Sci fi: Star trek movies, the x files, sky captain and the world of tomarrow. UltraViolet, AeonFlux Fantasy: Liked the new Narnia Flick Anime: Cowboy Bebop, Ghost in the Shell, Final Fantasy Unlimited, Miyazaki's works (princess mononoke, spirited away, etc.) Horror:Silent Hill, Resident Evil. Anyuthing with Zombies. Love Romeros works.
Doctor Who,The X Files, Invader Zim, Adult Swim, Futurama, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Tom goes to the mayor, Family guy, Ghost in the shell: Stand Alone Complex, Full Metal Alchemest, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, The Tick, the flintstones, the jetsons, the new adventures of captain planet.... thats like a typical night for me on tv.
Used to read Robin Cook and Richard preston books... havent lately... usually read online articles about technology, upcoming games... i have a strange intrest in reading product manuals? Popular mechanic is awesome. ready Everyday Food, cooking light, and other food mags for interesting recipies.
Martha Stewart, William and Melinda Gates, My grandmother. all those people that others usualy hate because they are successful and built themselves from nothing.