AMERiE iS COOL B`CUZ SHE`S iNVADiN` JOEBOY`S MYSAPCE MAHN ! it fah`reakin` deleted STUPiD myspace ! gosh...lemme start again....``hi my name is AMERiE & i`m invadin` JOEBOY`S myspace b`cuz i`m cool ! hehehe`` i`ve known JOEBOY since like sixth grade... he was in my class in sixth & seventh but eighth juss had to kill it. but its still cool. in sixth grade me & JOEBOY weren`t that close but we were still friends...we got close in seventh grade b`cuz i ( HENCE tha wordslashletter ``i`` ) started sayin` hi wif this retarded hand thingy & yah. heheheh. but like at tha beginnin` of tha eighth grade he thot he was ``too cool`` to say hi ( & tha hand thingy ) to me ... but towards tha middle of tha skool year we got closer & like yah after he bacame a NiNER we got even closer so its cool ! anyways i LOVE JOEBOY B`CUZ... i`m cool. he`s my friend. he is always there fer me. he help`d me get through THEstuff. he likes to have fun. is usually happy. is cool to talk to. is nice to me. will always have my bacc. is one of my closest guy friends. (i`m not done) anyways. it juss sucks knowin` that i wouldn`t be able to see JOEBOY that much next year b`cuz he`s goin` to CABRiLLO & i`m goin` to POLY but thats not gunna change anythin` b`cuz he can`t replace me b`cuz i`m irreplaceable! oh`yah hehehe. but yah he better come visit me `er sumthi`n badd is gunna happen ! heheh. i LOVE YOU JOEBOY!
Paula`s Invasion!
Joseph Atoigue. Also known as Joeboy. There are a million things and more that I can say about this boy. I met him way back in third grade. We both went to John Muir together. We weren’t really close back then but we knew of each other. We had the same math class. Then in fifth grade I transferred to Hudson due to minor distractions. Then when it came to sixth grade he came to Hudson! I told him that I knew him. We became close in sixth grade due to a girl. Yes yes, but then after that we just got closer and closer. He`s a really awesome dude. He`s one of the people that have made a great impact on my life. He`s been there for me through my hard times. There were times where we drifted apart, but we always found our way back. He`s my KUJO! That stands for Kuya Joeboy. He`s like a brother to me. Someone I know I can go to. He`s one of my bestest friends! I call him my best. He`s helped me with boy problems. Though I haven`t really had many. Only one really. *HAHA. You just have to love this boy, he`s sweet, kind, caring, a gentleman & up for anything. He`s outgoing. He set me straight when I was making a big mistake that he knew I would regret. Whenever I need someone to defend me, or something like that he`s there. He even pretended to be my boyfriend for crying out loud! Awwsssooommeee to the maxx! Haha. Its weird, he even knew who I liked before I even told him. Though he is wrong about those feelings from time to time, he knows me. He`s the kind of person that would do anything for a girl that he L0VES. He knows how to express his feelings. I know that this boy will never do any girl wrong. His heart is made of gold. When he`s with his friends, he doesn`t really act any different. Unlike other guys who are totally different people when their with their homeboys, he`s who is around everyone. This boy is a man of G0D. Yes, he`s religious. To tell you the truth, I believe any girl would be lucky to have a guy like J0Eboy as their man. Yes yes. You just gotta love him. This is the kind of boy that you would want in your life. Cause he`ll never let you down. Though he can be a jerk at times and say things to hurt me though I know he`s just kidding, I know that nothing will ever tear our friendship apart. There were times where we got angry at each other but then we always knew that we couldn’t stand not talking to each other. Girls! He`s single so you can TRY to H0LLA! Haha. Notice the word try, you wanna know why I said try? Just try and you`ll find out. Well this is all F0R NOW!