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I haven't really been a good individual during my life... I've tried my best to always show others the right path, but in turn haven't followed it myself. I am currently working to fullfill my life's work of health services in massage. I wish I could just make up for the time I have lost, I won't regret anything from the past.. I only wish there was some way to wipe away the tears that have been shed during my passing. I can only hope for forgiveness one day maybe a hug here or there... On a lighter note, I would like to reconnect with those that have come and gone during my life. I wish you all the best in health life and love. Be safe and make sure you wake up each morning/night with a smile on your face and nothing negative weighing you down.. I've learned that patience may get you anything, but patience without out thoughtless love can only lead you down the wrong path.. of years and years of wishes all.. - Just a Lil Bit!..