TRACYE'S NEXT PHOTO SHOOT WAS AT A LOCAL BAR TO HELP WITH PROMOTIONS FOR THE FALL, THESE ARE A FEW SAMPLES. YOU WILL SEE THESE IN TWO TO THREE LOCATIONS IN THE UPCOMING MONTHS. LET HER KNOW WHAT YOU THINK. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN GETTING PHOTOS DONE... EMAIL FOR PRICES...Adam and Sarah's Wedding 08/30/08 here are some samples of their beautiful wedding day. The wedding was held at The Botanical Gardens and the Reception was at Parkway Plaza.
Music is something I love. whether in the car or a concert. My range consists of just about everything, although my "clubbing" days were spent in the basements of most clubs listening to techno, goth and industrial. I did everything from raves to the toledo symphany, I appreciate it all.<
yep, I like em. if you think you have seen a lot, I bet I've seen more. I like experiencing a movie on IMAX or at the theaters, although prices have caused me to go less. DAMMIT!!!
TV has nothing really on, I'll watch Heroes, monk, and a couple others. with DVR, I can actually follow a show now. I'm not into watching other 20something's drama unfold. it's pretty bad when "reality TV" is becoming predictable (maybe because they are scripted??" :D
Reading is like standing in line to watch some old lady write a check... when are they going to surgically insert a USB port into us so we can just upload the shit, I don't have time!!
the underdogs that come out on top