SEEK FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD AND EVERYTHING ELSE WILL BE ADDED TO YOU...Read scriptures and get to know God on an intamate level, it'll be the best decision you ever make! I've had an addictive personality in the past, to somethings that were making my life spiral out of control. I have replaced that addiction for drugs and alcohol with a deep hunger for Christ. Friends are great but high school and college don't last forever, there is life after these experiences in life- my words to any young kids who may be struggling w/acceptance in school or being bullied is Hold your head up high because no matter what anyone thinks God thinks the world of you, you have a purpose here on this earth YOU ARE A BEAUTIFUL CHILD OF GOD! He wants to bless your life and just think everyday you go through a tough time that your getting stronger and there is so much more life after school..God knows what you are going through he's watching and you will never be alone, call on him he will see you through this. Jesus was hated first and when someone is making your life difficult remember that you control your attitude, they can't take your JOY!! have self control and you will go far.Now my life was what I made it, i have free will and this is what i chose for me. the parties did end at some point and i was left with nothing, no friends just an addiction problem, i had an addiction and it was ruining me. This addiction was breaking up my family, i had no friends and the one's i did make I ended up losing anyway. My definition of love was booze. It took my happiness & before I realized it, it took over my life and I was living for an addiction. I didn't know that price of "innocent fun". I had no idea it would get this bad. I never imagined waking up in a foreign place, sometimes miles away from home- waking up in a complete strangers house..thank God God was watching over me, i could have been raped, tortured or even killed. This became normal to me and this is scarey to think back about. I needed alcohol to survive and in a strange way it did help me and the same time killing me. I was living everyday with a fake smile, a fake happiness and a deep desire to get completely drunk all over again. I couldn't wait for it. I couldn't stop at this point, even if i wanted to it was in control now, i had no control, I wondered often if there was more to life than this, I couldn't image doing this for 40 or + years, it scared me to see who i would become. I wanted it all to be over, death seemed heavenly to me. It felt like the only way, this was my life and this was a huge stepping stone for me, I don't know if I would have had the pleasure to know my creator on this level if this sickness wouldn't have had a hold on me. In a wierd way it opened my eyes andi got to learn my worth and purpose through this hell. I thought i was at the point of no return but God had other plans..he ALWAYS does, God like many other ways set me free from the addiction to alcohol & drugs. I have been Born from above, I AM BORN AGAIN and I love it! January of last year I was reborn by the almighty Glorious God himself.. God you get all the recognition, 4 rehabs,jail, escaping death and hospitals couldn't stop me but His unconditional love and amazing grace brought me out of it and brought me to my knees and in my weakness I found Him, in my fall I realized I NEED HIM! I make the choice to walk in freedom over alcohol addiciton almost everyday of my life. This taught me that God's dominion is over ALL things, NOTHING is impossible for God. If God had broke me free of every stronghold that easily, I would never have learned to depend on Him. God chose to leave a thorn in my flesh so that i could be taught His strength in my weakness. God truly is understanding, loving unconditionally, and faithful.. He is amazing to fall in love with, and the gifts he will bless you with are so much more than money could ever buy, for they are not of this woorrllldd!! God is amazing and works in ways that will leave you speechless.. I was born January 23, 1983 and by the grace of God i was born again on January 23, 2006. I don't look at my sobriety as how many days, years, or months but How in His perfect and flawless time He chose to cleanse me and give me new life. God has opened up doors for me that I would have burried my head from before and when He says go, I will listen and do as he says with no fear but fear of the Lord. For God said GO, Get them all and don't return until they're all saved.In my self seeking way by my own will I had the following-depressed,hopeless, desireless, homeless, angry, hateful, premiscuous, selfish, addicted, theif, alcoholic, junky, fake, dispiteful, cruel, dark, suicidal, belemic, follower, cutter, homicidal, cheater, greedy, prideful, ugly, miserable, nieve, stressed, bully, fat, possessed, homewrecker, fighter, and close to death.Walking with God in faith I have these-FAITH, STRONG, SIN FREE, LEADER, BLESSED, SEEKER, ASKER, COMFORTER, ENCOURAGER, HOPEFULL,DREAMER, BELIEVER, HONEST, LOYAL, LIMITLESS, OPTOMISTIC, REAL, SATISFIED, COMPASSIONATE, JOYFUL, EXPRESSIVE, IMPULSIVE, UPLIFTING, CARING, FUN, HUMEROUS, CONTENT, THANKFUL, BEAUTIFUL, BORN AGAIN, SALVATION,KNOWLEGEABLE, WILLINGNESS TO LEARN, GROWING,HELPFUL TO OTHERS, UNASHAMED, A WITNESS, AND A SUPPORTER OR THE SILVER RING THING AND ANYONE WHO HAS A VISION FOR THEIR LIVES.. EVEN IF YOU DON'T REMEMBER THAN GOD HAS HUGE PLANS FOR YOUR LIFE, GET READY FOR THE RIDE BC IT'S INCREDIBLE...JESUS NEVER PROMISED A PROBLEM FREE LIFE- IN FACT HE GARAUNTEED THAT LIFE WOULD NOT BE EASY. SO DON'T BE SUPRISED WHEN THE HARD TIMES COME AND DON'T BE AFRAID OF THEM.GOD'S PROMISE:THE LORD KEEPS WATCH OVER YOU AS YOU COME AND GO, BOTH NOW AND FOREVER....<3
I would like to talk to Todd Bently and possibly go into some visions with him..ha, John Paul, Patricia King, Kenneth E. Hagin, John Crowder ****** & Benjamin Dunn ***** Wanada Casper, Keith Moore, Jesus!I look foward to doing missionary work and spreading the word of God, to speak to those people who have nothing but the most important thing at the same time.. FAITH! it amazes me. I look foward to standing in heaven with all of the souls past .. these kids that have been taken out of this ugly world unfortunatly whithout warning. I want to touch their precious face and let them know that they have missed nothing because to be in the kingdom is a thousand times better than being in this world. I look foward to singing and praising God. While I am on this earth I want to be the best version of myself.
This Should Keep Us All Thinking
The revelation of how lost we a reality...
PLEASE TAKE TIME TO LISTEN AND APPLY THIS TO YOUR! LIFE..YOU ARE SPECIAL, GOD DOES LOVE YOU!!WORD FM 101.5 check it out sometime, it may help you through your day. Kurt Franklin Gosspel Michale W. Smith Aaron Shust Ayiesha Woods Rebecca St.James SaNctus Real SUPERChick BarlowGiRl Chris TomliN RelientK Hawk Nelson Building 429 LeeLand NicholeNordeman Lots of others! Flyleaf, doors.. CCMOthersI like different genre's of musique, mostly music that lifts ppl up. :D <3 DANCE Music <3 Anything you can dance to......
Passion of Christ- The Nativity- Kingdom of Heaven- Family movies- home video's- National treasurer..mostly moves that acknowledge God and not scientific movies that glorify science why we are here..we did NOT EVOLVE FROM MONKEY'S! or in the words of Pastor John..we did not come from an Ameba. Anyway my favorite dvd to watch is the Hillsong dvd' fills my heart w/joy and makes me appricite all the laborers out there being God's hands & feet for the generations to come. It's what mkes me happy!
GOD TVa href="" target="_blank">
Grace- the power to change, How to stop the pain, Will the real God please stand up, Healing belongs to us, Mastering the Silence, Authority of a believer. moremoremore..
God for sending Jesus, his only son to die on a cross at Mt. Calvary for my sins, so I wouldn't have to become a slave to them, I have been born again. My pastor for making his teachings soo easy to understand, and helping anyone he can when he can, thanks to him for setting a good example. My dad is my hero also.. he may not be thee best dad, but he is as best as he knows how..and i know he loves me.