wats up ere bodee my name is sarah.i am sexy,big,and more than you can handle.i go to terra nova highschool (not my choice)with most of my c.p.c nigga's mooooooooooo!!!!!!! well ne ways i like doing alot of things (not nasty things lol)like fishing going on the monkey bars, slides, well basically the playgrounds. yeah i got heart shape lips and i've been everywhere my mind takes me. i have to play wit my niece and nephew, maryjo and whiteness( he hecca white i ain't even playin)all most every weekend. They both get on my nerves because they think they are smarter than me(yeah rite i am smarter). well i got hella frineds on this thing and yeah you guys better be my friends.moooooo!! niggas holla mode. well any ways i am welcoming ne new people like ne new people. oh yeah did i tell you i was sexy... i noe yall like my occupations. what else. i. am hella funny like "why did the lobster turn red...? because he saw the salad dressing... if you think thats funny ask me in person.j/p my jokes are better. well i am not good at spelling and i make words like hurted. well i am black and filipino so yeah i ahave a little fob in meeh and i ain't even playin.. esp. if i slip.. like if i said i hab a money. okay yall pinos noe wat i mean. well i am done wit things maybe i'll add later got to eat lunch ...peace..samoo out.