synchronicity, escher, metaphysics, astral projection, turntablism, shamanistic states of consciousness, esoteric anatomy, djembes, drum circles, bass playing, video gaming ie - counter strike, world of warcraft, grand theft auto, etc... reading, quantum theory, sacred geometry, indigenous religion (animism), vocal imitation, martial arts, reiki
a patient driver who is articulate and intelligent. I know.. good luck, right?
tool, radiohead, mars volta, oingo boingo, orbital, autechre, download, jesus wore dickies (especially strap on halo), stabbing westward, the various compositions of danny elfman, juno reactor, yummykind, bargain music, the blind boys of alabama, jeff buckley, galactic, saul williams, mum, sigur ros, shpongle, ott blumenkraft, the hilarity that is the bloodhound gang, jedi mind tricks, heiroglyphics, handsome boy modeling school, alice in chains, incubus pre-kroq era (i.e. science and before), victor wooten, early manson (i.e. anti-christ superstar and before), too many drum n' bass artists to list, dj shadow
pi, tombstone, the lord of the rings trilogy, sin city, mystery science theater 3000 - pod people, usual suspects, forbidden zone, three amigos, pirates of the caribbean, 12 monkeys, any monty python, orgazmo, waking life, the big lebowski, 90% of kevin smith's movies, gangs of new york, batman begins
family guy, simpsons, robot chicken, tv funhouse (oh, how i miss thee), aqua teen hunger force, mr show, invader zim, wonder showzen, and who could forget chappelle's show. i watch tv to sleep, and even then its not usually tv. it's tv on dvd.
you are being lied to, everything you know is wrong, the book of lies (all 3 by disinfo press featuring robert metzger), cosmic trigger by R.A.W., the holographic universe by michael talbot, cosmic banditos by a.c. weisbecker, ancient secret of the flower of life by drunvalo melchizedek, double cross by sam giancana, the book by alan watts, the emerald tablet by dennis william hauck (, hells angels by hunter s, battle royale by takami, most true crime/gangster stories, the men who stare at goats by jon ronson, any and all bukowski, zen and the art of poker by larry phillips, custodians of truth by tim wallace-murphy and marilyn hopkins (an excellent description of all things esoteric regarding the templars, the bloodline/family of jesus, and the shroud of turin.. one of the least biased and most well-documented books on the subject that i have read), beginner's guide to constructing the universe by michael schneider (for anyone seeking an intro into sacred geometry), the black sun by peter moon, the montauk series (of which the black sun is a part), man and his symbols by carl jung (for those who doubt the sincerity of dream imagery) people who don't know they're dead by gary leon hill, the secret teachings of all ages by manly p hall
read: quotes. "people act so proper when they're going 'bout their business. cup of coffe friendly conversation till they get home, till they get home.. take the phone off lock the door and shut the curtians.. make sure thet the neighbors are without suspicion, no one will now, no one will know... nasty habits i must condone; no one knows what i do when i'm all alone.." - nasty habits, oingo boingo "now i know i'm not normally a praying man.. but if you're up there, please save me superman!" - homer "how do i know i'm not gay? because once, when i was making a sandwich, a cucumber went up my ass.. 3 times. when this happens, you need 2 things.. a pair of tongs, and a friend that can keep a secret. preferably your midget friend, because no one believes them anyway. 'cucumber up a mans ass? is that where the treasure is?!' " -dave attell "take that to the bank, cash it, and get the fuck out of my life." -bill hicks "i'm your huckleberry." -if you don't know where that's from, you're no longer my friend. "do you think you're better then me? do you want to kill me, or befriend me?" -insanity, oingo boingo "oh, people come up with statistics to prove anything.. fourfty percent of all people know that!" -homer "...and it kills my brain to think of all the stupid things i've said, and if i could change the future, i would change the past instead." -change, oingo boingo "i am the shaman magician; the sun is purple. 3d dimensions, i am for mental extentions." -shpongle, although i forget which song "man's behind himself, man's below himself, man's beside himself.. am i inside myself?"-aic "we've got grade a powdered christmas cheer! LETS SNORT IT!" -tv funhouse "if i was going to give you something you needed, i'd give you moustache wax and a t-shirt that says 'one cock at a time' " -dave attell "you know what i can't get over? hurdles." -kenny klein (