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Serious Business only!

About Me

Simon Kimani aka Bamboo aka Africa..s Hip-Hop King is the first African Rapper to create serious waves in the US music industry. Born of East African parents, Bamboo grew up in the notorious Inglewood neighborhood in California from his childhood.He attended Inglewood elementary school and then Canyon Springs highschool. By the age of 15 he was rapping in the streets of LA impressing his Crip gang member neigborhood freinds with his style and flow.
At the age of 17 his parents knew they had no choice but to send their son to East Africa or he would end up like the rest of his childhood friends..dead or in the state penitentiary. Bamboo was immediately sent to a strict boarding school in the Kenyan capital, and the violent and dangerous streets of Los Angeles, California became a memory.
Bamboo's passion for the music that influenced his formative years remained strong and by 19 he was entering regional rap competitions at top clubs in the Kenyan capital. His personal style, flow and lyrical content created a buzz in the growing underground Hip-Hop movement and young people from all the townships around the capital would pack clubs to capacity to watch him perform.
Local recording studio executives, were blown away with his talent, and before long Bamboo had a recording deal, and production of his first album ..Nairoberry.. were under way in 2001. The album sold-out within weeks and endorsement deals soon followed as corporations saw the marketing value that Bamboo could bring to their products in the region.
Within months Bamboo had major endorsements in the region. Kenyan Brewery..s signed Bamboo to promote new products as part of their Television campaign and Coca-Cola Africa signed Bamboo to promote their products during an aggressive radio campaign, using his music, lyrics, style and sound. These corporate endorsements were broadcast in the top three markets in the region, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda.
Bamboo's music videos were on heavy rotation on regional networks such as Tanzania Broadcasting Corporation (TBC), Nation Television and Kenyan Broadcasting Corporation (KBC). Kenya Television Network (KTN) regularly featured Bamboo as a guest performer on their popular Weekly Hip Hop show ..Rap..em.. where he not only performed but they also played his popular music videos.
In 2005 sponsored by Chandaria Industries, Kenya..s largest supplier of household goods, Bamboo began an intensive tour of Kenya performing a total of 185 shows in 4 months. At the end of this tour Bamboo was a household name in the region and was proclaimed Africa..s first King of Hip Hop. Now he's back in the states with no 9 to 5 except music,the man can't picture himself working for somebody breathing down his neck to accomplish the dreams of another man, this is where the test of every man hits the fan,will you pursue your own dreams or those of someone who does not even know you? This is the driving force behind his rebel street music and this is the vision."FOLLOW YOUR OWN DREAMS CUZ NO MAN WILL FOLLOW THEM FOR YOU"!! much for a 9 to 5... will he succeed or will he fail? Stay tuned... 1!
Bamboo and Attitude feat Tru Cabrazzi two thousand till mixtape

My Interests


Member Since: 1/3/2006
Band Website:,
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Influences: The Hood(Inglewood),Africa,my moms and my environment...
Sounds Like: Nothing you've ever heard,I hate when people say I sound like someone, I really dont sound like anything thats out right now but I guess thats just my opinion, What you think?? Scream at me!!!
Record Label: Unsigned
Type of Label: Indie