Games, Hockey, Handball, Grape Soda, Area Rugs, and the phrase, "I'm a Doctor, Jim! Not a ... (Insert ANY NOUN here)". If you're unsure of what a noun is you've come to far. Turn back.
Webster and Fishilips.
Hand Banana
Anything that has been on 99.9 The Buzz in VT over the past few years as well as anything on 92.3 in the late 90's, early new Mil. Read: Alternative Rock.
This section would be way too long for me to go into. I watch way too many movies. I guess I shoulda put that in my interests. Who cares . . . this is friggin myspace and I'm not single.
Lost, House, Family Guy, Prison Break, Southpark, Rome, and Oprah. WHAT?
Me. What? You don't believe me? One day when I post a picture of myself in a cape you'll understand. SPANDEX BABY, SPANDEX!